➊__𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍_& _𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎__

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Great expectations usually come with even greater disappointments...


Freedom can mean a lot of things and with the click of this button, I am one step closer to my freedom and finally graduation. *click* 'Your file has been uploaded'

"Hey missy is it finally done," Laura says coming in standing next to me and tying her hair on top of her head

"It is" I sigh closing my eyes and leaning back on the chair

"You don't look too happy about it? You should be jumping up and down!" She says nudging my shoulder, laughing before taking a seat at the table too.

"I actually don't know how to feel Lau...I'm blank, I thought id be doing laps of the apartment by now but I just don't seem to have..."

"...The energy?" She finishes my sentence with a smirk and I laugh

"Yep" I sigh with a slight chuckle closing my laptop

"Hey I don't blame you, it's been tough but you got through it! You should ring your mum before Joe comes back from the studio and then we will order a celebratory Nobuuuu" she says standing up and waving the online menu in my face

"Yesss now that is something I'm excited for," I say smiling

"Tiger Shrimp Tempura with a Berkley Cheesecake for puds?" She winks

"You know me too well Lau," I say laughing

"That's what sisters are for! Now, ring your mum!" She says standing up before walking to the kitchen messing up my hair on the way... which has been neglected for days....ew

As you may have guessed by now, with the surname and all, I am in fact a sibling of Joe O'Neill, 'manager to the stars' or whatever you want to call him (he'd hate it if I called him that).

I'm currently finishing my styling degree at UAL; I moved out of my Uni accommodation a few weeks ago so Joe and Lau have let me stay here whilst I finish my dissertation (at least that's over now).

Hopefully, if I get my own income I can move out and let the husband and wife-to-be have the space that they need.

I still need to finish my final portfolio though... I'm hoping Joe helps me out a bit there....again. I suppose that's what family is for though

"Hello, honey, how is everything going, have you had a break today? What have you had to eat..." my mum says finally picking up the FaceTime call,

"Mum chill I'm good" I laugh at her protectiveness, "Laura came from a casting early and she was here with me when I submitted my dissertation" I smile

"Oh you've finished," her face lights up, "oh darl' that's amazing! You need to celebrate!"

"I know" I laugh again. "We are having a boring night in though with a takeaway, but should be fun enough"

"Hey that's the best kind of night don't knock it" she winks at me taking a sip of her coffee

"True" I laugh remembering all the takeaway nights mum and I have shared

"Run yourself a bath my love and relax and pamper, it's out of the way now" she smiles seeing I'm still a little stressed

"Still got my portfolio left though" I pout

"Hey you have all summer for that, relish the moment Pops, you've completed the one that you didn't think you could even look at just a few months ago" she smiles trying to encourage my lazy ass

𝙴𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 | 𝙱𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚕𝚎𝚢 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚜𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now