➍ 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 __𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝__𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜__𝚝𝚘 __𝚜𝚘𝚞𝚛__𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜

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A long road ahead....


Brad POV

I stir hearing footsteps and the light coming through the curtains

It takes me a while wake up properly and for my brain to realise where I am...James' living room? eh? oh yeah, tour...Must have fallen asleep on the sofa

I open my eyes realising the weight on my chest isn't a comfy pillow...It's in fact a girl...hmm Poppy

"for fuck sake" i whisper realising the predicament I'm in

After looking around the room, I finally look down at her wondering all the fun ways I can launch her off me and onto the floor...

She's quite cute when she's sleeping and her gob isn't off on one...

....and she has freckles along her nose...I  always wanted freckles when I was younger...

I see her nose twitch and realise her hair is ticking her nose so I move it out of the way laughing to myself because she looks like a little rabbit...

Tris POV

I walk down the hall with a coffee in my hands..I'm always the early bird

I think everyone is up, but just lounging in bed knowing there is no rush as the bus doesn't show up until 10 am

I wonder if Brad and Poppy are up...I'm sure if they were, we would have heard them fall out by now

I peep my head by the open door to surprisingly see Brad awake...still with Poppy in his arms as he smiles and pushes some hair out of her face

Anyone would think the bastard was in love with her I smirk

"You two look comfy" I say in a hushed tone and walking in 

 Brads head shoots up in shock "Oh! morning!"

"Mate... I saw you smiling at her you can't hide it" I smirk sitting down on the other sofa

"Oh shut up" he rolls his eyes looking at his phone.

"What? I'm surprised you haven't kicked her on the floor yet... you must feel guilty about yesterday then?" I say pushing my luck

"Hmm," he says still scrolling, obviously avoiding the question

"B talk to me mate... what's up with you?" I ask him whilst taking a sip of my coffee

"Nothing! why does everyone think somethings wrong?!" he sighs still trying to be quiet for the sleeping Poppy on his chest

I raise my eyebrows at him 

"Fine I'm just still finding it hard" he sighs

"your ex is long gone...why you so hung up on her," I ask in seriousness

"I'm not...it's...it's how she left me to feel.." he shrugs twirling a strand of Poppy's hair between his fingers...he probably doesn't realise he's doing it

"Like you can't ever trust another girl ever again?" I ask

"I dunno "

"Mate not all girls are mean... Ana wasn't was she?" I say to him trying to relate

"But you guys..." Brad looks at me not wanting to say it

"Yeah we called everything off but I don't hate her" I shrug "...and she was never manipulative or sneaky or whatever you think most girls are"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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