Chapter 4: Witchy Daze

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When the school day was done, Maureen arrived at home to be greeted by her Uncle Seamus and Aunt Willow, her mother's brother and sister-in-law.

"Uncle Seamus, Aunt Willow, what are you doing here?"

"We came to visit our only niece and see how she was doing with her powers. How do you like being a witch Mo?" Seamus asked her.

"I love it! I was reading my spell book and found tons of awesome spells in it. Does every spell book have a mouth, eyes and a name?" Maureen asked her aunt.

"Yes they do dear. My spell book calls herself Agatha and your uncle's is named Albus. What does yours call itself?"

"He said his name is Seamus." She told Seamus and Willow.

Maureen spent more time with her aunt and uncle before leaving to continue her study of Seamus.

"Homeworkus Completeus? What is that, like a do my homework for me spell?" Maureen asked Seamus.

"That is precisely what it is. The spell does all of your assignments for you, correctly as well." He told her.

"I must do a ton of work,

Help me to finish it before bed." She recited off the page and watched as a swoosh of air took her homework and books out of her back pack and an invisible hand completed all of her work in twenty minutes and another swoosh placed everything neatly back into her back pack for the morning.

The next morning Maureen was looking at her spell book before Lord James came to the room to teach them and she found a spell to use on all the students to make them all succeed in school. She showed it to Kathleen and Dayton and they all agreed to use it tonight and see how the results were tomorrow morning.

The spell was so successful the next morning that the three teens continued to re-use the spell to make the school academically well off so that the board of governors would be happy and leave the school alone with the assessment testing that they continuously heaped onto the students.

"What are you all doing?" A girl named Mary asked Maureen, Kathleen, and Dayton when she saw them with their spell books out and reading them in the court yard of the school.

"Nothing, go away Mary." Kathleen told the stuck up girl. Mary glared at them and walked away back into the school. She later spread a rumor that the three were witches, which was proved true when someone stole Dayton's spell book and made it talk to them and reveal the truth to the whole school.

"Well now they know what we are, what are we supposed to do?" Dayton asked the girls as they walked out of the building and towards Maureen's car.

"I say talk to my parents about it; see if they can help us figure something out that will help us to make the students understand that we aren't bad or evil." Maureen told him.

"Mom? We need to talk to you and Dad about something that happened at school today." Maureen said as she walked Dayton and Kathleen into the living room to where her parents sat.

"What happened dear?" Margaret asked her daughter as she saw the look on the teen's face. She figured that someone had found out about them all being witches and something else had happened.

"We were found out as witches today at school. A girl saw us with our spell books out and when we told her to go away she went into the school and started a rumor about it. Then during lunch someone broke into Dayton's locker and stole his spell book Aries and tricked Aries into revealing the truth to the whole school that we are all witches and were using an academic spell on all of the school."

Margaret looked over at her husband and the look plainly said 'Maybe we shouldn't have given her the spell book to bring it to school.' Gerard nodded to his wife showing that he whole-heartedly agreed with her. "Maureen maybe you shouldn't have had the book out in the middle of school when you weren't in the classroom with Lord James." Margaret said to her.

"Yeah I agree it was dumb of us to have the books out in the court yard but we thought it was empty, Mary wasn't there when we went out there and opened the books, she was inside the school at that time. We never heard her come out to the court yard and see us with our spell books."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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