Chapter 10

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(3rd Person)

Francine's eyes snapped open, however her sudden awakening had a negative effect as she groaned while holding her stomach which she quickly noticed was bandaged. Francine clicked her tongue in annoyance before sitting up on the comfy bed, as she threw her legs to the side of the bed she noticed the room she was in: IV line, white sheets and a bunch of windows with a view to Heaven, she knew exactly where she was: the hospital. She had been in this exact bed years ago, when her father first found out about her Holy Wrath ability.

Francine: How long's it been? Seven? Eight years? Papa survived the explosion I caused... but Mama...

Her thoughts were interrupted by the door opening, Francine looked and saw an angel with a nurse's outfit on indicating she was the one to look after her. Upon seeing Francine up, the nurse smiled brightly.

Nurse: Good afternoon Miss Foster, it's good to see you've recovered. I'll go inform your father...

Francine: No... don't do that. I'd rather tell him myself, I'm not some fragile girl who needs to have her messages delivered.

Nurse: U-understood...

With that, the nurse left the room, Francine huffed while standing on her feet, stumbling slightly before quickly straightening herself and looking down at her bandaged body.

Francine: This... is damage? Papa never let me fight so I wouldn't know the feeling... but... the False Devil. He penetrated my defences in a way that made my healing capabilities useless... (Y/N) (L/N). I thought he was nothing but an angry guy filled with insecurities, always going on about Asia this, Asia that. Heh, guess I got overconfident, it's like he says: he has more experience in fights than I do, no wonder I lost today.

A chuckle escaped Francine's mouth as she made her way over to the door, pulling on the handle and pushing the door open which instantly got the attention of all the passing staff and patients who went wide-eyed at seeing her.

Doctor: Ah! Miss Foster! Please rest a little...

Francine pushed past the doctor, storming down the hospital hall and straight to the stairs where she without hesitation jumped from the highest step and used her wings to slow herself just as she got close to the bottom allowing a safe landing. Once Francine got to reception she again shoved even more staff out of her way and went straight out the building.

Francine: I need to find (Y/N)... but first... clothes... I don't want to walk around in this stinking hospital gown.

Francine grew her wings once again and quickly took off, her direction straight for the mansion, to be more specific, the window that lead into her room.

(With (Y/N))

In the meeting room, (Y/N) sighed while crossing his arms, he was sat at the end of the table with two angel guards on his side, the two them itching to attack while across from the false devil were the two highest powers in Heaven: Michael and Gabriel, the two of them looking at (Y/N) with a calm smile.

Michael: Please don't mind the guards, they're quite... anxious to deliver justice against the man who harmed Miss Foster.

(Y/N): Well, they haven't attacked yet, so I can easily assume this isn't about the fight. What do you want?

Michael: I've been hearing an interesting rumour around this mansion, it has to do with three individuals: yourself, Phillip and Francine... most of the angels didn't hear it, however some did at your fight. You wish for Miss Francine Foster to be your instructor in Holy Wrath rather than her father, correct?

(Y/N): She's got more power, if I learn her way, I can easily get stronger, sure Phillip has more control and experience, but the situation right now calls for me to grow stronger, I'll figure out how to control it on the way. The more I wait...

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