Chapter 4: Android Parade

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Meggy: Whoa!

(Y/N): What is it- Holy shito!

There was a lot of dead inklings and dead jackals on the floor, as Infinite started to tear up.

Crystalonetta: Honey...

Infinite: W-who did this...? 

(Y/N): Someone very powerful did this...

You heard a small giggle behind you.

(Y/N): What was that?

Meggy turned around to see a small blue version of Perfect Cell.

Cell Jr 1: Hehehehe!

Crystalonetta: A Cell Jr?!

Meggy: Okay, this thing is creepy!

The Cell Jr laughed, and jumped at Infinite.

Infinite: AH!

Crystalonetta: Watch out!

Comet quickly kicked the Cell Jr, making it split into half and explode.

(Y/N): Boom! He's dead.

Infinite: Good one, son!

Comet: Thanks, dad!

You heard more giggling, and noticed a lot of Cell Jrs on top of a building.

Cell Jr 2: I kill you... Kee!

(Y/N): Oh, Jesus Christ! There's a lot of them!

Crystalonetta: Get ready to fight! These guys are strong!

Meggy: Bring it on, you freaks!

The Cell Jrs started to fly around, and stuck their tongues out at everyone.

Comet: Hey! That's uncalled for!

Crystalonetta grabbed a Cell Jr, and shocked it with her lightning powers, causing the Cell Jr to explode.

Infinite: YEET!

(Y/N): Huh?

Infinite threw his sword, which impaled three Cell Jrs.

Cell Jr 2: Kiiiiii! Help...

(Y/N): Nice one!

You tore a Cell Jr's wings off, and snapped another's neck.

Meggy: Eat this... Literally!

rCell JR 3: Ki?

Meggy stuffed a Splat Bomb into the Cell Jr's mouth, as it exploded sending bits of the Cell Jr's head flying everywhere.

(Y/N): Haha! Awesome!

Comet flew into the air, and threw a fireball at two Cell Jrs, burning them to a crisp.

Meggy: Look out!

Cell Jr 4: Ki!

(Y/N): Why do they keep saying that?

Infinite: They make annoying noises. They rarely talk.

(Y/N): Oh, I see...

Crystalonetta: They keep on coming!

Meggy: They're like a bunch of flies that won't leave your food alone!

Comet: We need assistance!

A hero suddenly descended from the sky.

Infinite: *Sr Pelo gasp*

Meggy: It's...


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