High School Biotches

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Hey Anna, remember that time, with the thing during the thing?" Ella asked. Anna responded, "You mean during the thing at the place? The one with the thing?" "Yeah, that one." Ella said. "Man, that was awesome! The looks of the things!" She laughed. "Good-ish times." Anna said. Calee rolled her eyes and sat down next to Ella because Anna is just... Anna. Anna looked at Calee and said, "What? You have a problem sitting next to the best dodgeball player besides Ella?" Anna said, her voice full of sass. "Um, well, YES." Calee said. "You stole my man!" Then she directed her words at Ella. "And you have him" "Um, I'm a Single Pringle, Shortie, so check your facts. " Ella said back. Anna said, "Wait, WAIT! Calee has 'a man'? OOOH! Is it Noah? Or is it someone else? WWHHHOOO???" Calee rolled her eyes and said, "Noah? Ew, no! It's Devin you idiot, he's hotter!" "Oh," Anna and Ella said in unison.  Just then, Devin walked by the table. "Um, ok, well. Thanks. I guess. This is awkward." Calee's face turned bright red, aka a tomato on fire. "Um, oh. Well, you see, I'm just gonna... die in a hole. Like, now." she said awkwardly. Anna and Ella burst out laughing as Devin just stood there and Calee walked to Mary's table, looking like she was dying. "Well, that was comic relief." Ella said, breaking the tension. Anna laughed again. When Devin looked at her, Anna said, "Don't ask what isn't wrong. I'll only say Q-XD=666!!!" She said as she went into another fit of laughter. "Anna, are you drunk again?" Kaela asked her. "When isn't she?" Devin said, looking at Anna like she was dying more than usual and said, "She was running around and kicking people in the shin in band class today." Ella, laughing said, "I love spontaneous combustion!!!!!" Everyone just gave her 'the look of death'. "What? Do I have pizza on my face? Because I did just eat, like, 3 pieces." Ella asked. "How can you fit 3 pieces of pizza? You're super tiny!" Kaela said. "Oh, Kaela. You clearly don't know how much I love pizza." She said, shaking her head at Kaela's sad, sad, lonely, pathetic pizza life. Calee walked by to throw her food away. "CALEE!!!! DON'T WASTE PIZZA! I WILL EAT IT!!" Anna yelled, even though Calee was 2 feet away. Calee rolled her eyes and threw the pizza at Anna. Ella and Anna yelled, "PIZZA ABUSE!!" and raced to grab the pizza before the other one. Calee sat down next to... Anna. But only because Anna blocked her view of Devin.  "So, Calee, am I still- ech ecm- 'hot'? " Devin asked her. "Ummm...Y-n-ye-I cannot answer that!" Calee stuttered. Anna rolled her eyes and said, "Yeah, you can. SAY IT!!" "Ok, fine, fine. Y-yes." The whole lunchroom gasped and cheered. ¨FINALLY!!!¨ Ella yelled. "Wait, you guys wanted Devin and I to date?" Calee said. Devin's face turned redder than Calee's. "I like you Calee," He said as everybody cooed. Christian walked in and said, "AY! You stealin' my- "I WANTED THE PIZZA, ELLA!!!"- chick, Whitaker?" "Um, your chick? Calee's my babe, dude. Back off my lady, bro!" Devin shouted. "You just hit my pizza, Devin! Sorry, Calee, you can't date each other! He punched my pizza trying to rip his shirt, AND FAILED!!" Ella whined. Devin stood there with his stretched-out shirt looking at Christian. ¨And he didn't even say sorry for punching my pizza! You MONSTER!¨ Ella screeched. Anna full-forced kicked Devin in the shin. ¨THAT was for punching pizza! AND not saying sorry.¨ She kicked him again. "OWW STOP THAT!" Devin yelled in a high-pitched voice, causing everyone in the cafeteria to burst out into laughter, including Calee. Kaela walked in just then and said, ¨Wait, did Calee get rejected?¨ ¨No, we're laughing at Devin's sad, sad life." Ava answered, making room for Kaela at the table Anna, Devin, Christian, Ella, Calee, and herself were sitting at. "Wait, when was Ava here?" Anna said, turning towards Ava. ¨I got here, like, 10 minutes ago, Anna. I saw Calee say she liked Devin. YOU TALKED TO ME! I WAS HERE!¨ "Oh." Anna said blankly. "Whoops!" Calee rolled her eyes and glanced back at Devin, who was sulking like a bulldog. ¨Oh, cheer up, honey! You still have baseball.¨ Calee said confidently.  Suddenly, the intercom came on, and the principal announced in a bored voice, "I have to announce that all baseball in this school is canceled, due to new law restrictions. Thank you and have a good day." And the intercom shut off. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Devin yelled in pure pain, falling to his knees. ¨Ok, maybe I was wrong. It's not ok, babe. But on the bright side, I'm still here.¨ Just as suddenly as it went off, the intercom said, ¨Calee Wazowski to the office, please. Thank you!¨ ¨Well then...¨ Devin said, trailing behind Calee for a few steps before Christian tackled him, screaming like a dying cat and a dying goat mixed, ¨NO! NO! CALEE IS MINEEEEE!!!¨ and punching Devin in the face. ¨ÖWWW!¨ Devin screamed like a toddler on fire without cookies. Christian then screamed and full- forced karate-chopped Devin in the face. Everyone was silent until Ella screamed, ¨GIVE MY PIZZA BACK TO ME, ANNA! I GOT IT FIRST!¨ and slapped her. Anna frowned at Ella and shoved the whole pizza slice in her mouth, causing the whole cafeteria to burst into laughter again. ¨You are going to die.¨ Ella said, going all Kung-Fu On You mode. Ella jumped up on the table and tackled Anna, trying to choke her. Anna tried to scream but ended up choking up half-digested pizza all over the table. "Eww...." Kaela said, taking a step backward. She turned her attention back to Devin, who was getting beaten to death. Literally. His face was smashed into itself. Anna and Ella were still battling for the pizza. "ELLA IF YOU EAT THAT YOU MIGHT DIE!" Anna yelled as Ella went to eat the pizza on the table.  ¨It is WORTH IT!¨Ella screamed, as she took a bite of the pizza. Ella quickly coughed the pizza back up, realizing her mistake. "I can't eat the pizza..." Ella said sadly, staring miserably down at the pizza. "NO DIP SHERLOCK!" Calee snapped, appearing to have just come back from the office. "I have ketchup!" Anna offered brightly. Calee sighed, "Not what I meant Larson." "WELL FINE THEN NO DIP FOR YOU!" Anna said and casually sat down in her seat again. ¨I have dip. And chips.¨

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