Chapter One: Secrets

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Harry's P.O.V. (modern day): Wow, she looks sooo stunning, and i love being with her sooo much is all i can think as I look at Elisa. Her long blonde hair falling just past her shoulders in a soft curly mess, her eyes bright as she laughs at somthing that just happened on the television. But thats when another image pops into my head. THhis girl has dark brown hair, a little shorter than Elisa's and magnificiant brown eyes, a smile thats always glowing and she's -------- "Harry...Harry did u hear me??" "Uh, what? Sorry baby, I'm just a bit tired that's all." Elisa just giggles her adorable little laugh. "I asked what you want to do for dinner tonight?" Elisa has been living with me for about a year now in our L.A. house, not the one I share with the other 4/5 of 1D, but my personal one, the one I share with Elisa. "I dont know babe, you choose" i reply.  "ummmmm.....How about we order some pizza??" "Sure, i have an interview live with the boys tommorow at noon, so maybe we can watch a movie and just have a lay-back night tonight?" "of course, i wouldnt want my harry all sleepen on live t.v. would I?" she asks in a baby voie maken both of us smile  as i roll my eyes and she giggles. "Sausage with extra cheese?" I ask as I get up to go the kitchen and order our food. "Sounds great, thanks Hazza." I flip through my contacts (I have little ceasers on speed that bad???) and finnaly come to the number. The phone starts to ring, when it's answered I order our food, in the midst of telling the man our order (1 med. suasage with extra cheese, and 2 breadsticks with a 2 liter of coke)  somthing shiny catches my eye. "That'll be $20, we'll have it there soon sir." "thanks" i mumble as I hang up. I move over to the cabnet and open it up, pulling out the little diamond ring I had bought about four months ago. I had been planning to propose to Elisa, untill I met HER. The image of the slim brunet from earlier pops back into my head as I place the engagment ring back and start to head back to the living room.

Elisa's P.O.V (present): Zayn <3: what you up to?? 

                                           Me: Nothen much, movie night in. Wby?

                                        Zayn<3: nothen much, loners night! lol :)

                                       Me: Haha, lolzies, that sounds boring. :)

                                     Zayn <3: ya, a bit, but I got a date tomorrow afternoon. :)

What???? He has a date? My heart drops and i frown, creases apearing on my forhead.  "it doesnt matter, you love Hazza Eliza" I quietly mutter out loud.

                                  Me: Sounds like fun :)

 "What movie do you want to watch baby?" Harry asks as he joins me on the couch. "whatever you want bae." I reply as my phone buzzes.

                                Zayn <3: Ya, I hope so, it's a really gorgous girl I met a while back, I think I really like her. :)

"Who's that babe?" "Oh, its no one Hazza, just this girl from when I was still working, she couldnt remember how to clean one of the machines and asked which button was the self clean, that's all." I say as I smile up at him. (I no longer work because Harry had me quit because "he has more than enough money and this way he gets to see me more."

                               Me: I got to go, movie night is starting. Ttyl. 

                             Zayn <3: Alright, ttyl, bye.

I put my phone away just as Harry goes to answer the door and pay for the pizza while I pick out the movie.

Harry's P.O.V (present): AS I answer thhe door expecting the pizza man, another sight comes into view, A much more beautiful, tall, brunet sight whom i had been thinking about earlier. "Hazel?" I ask

Authors Note:  Hey guys, so i wanted to keep the first chapter really simple to get you guys into the story, so I havent switched into the past at all yet, but you can look for that in the next few chapters. :) Any ideas who should play Elisa or Hazel (I know you guys dont know them very well yet, but if you think of some, i'm very open to suggestions for my cast. :) ) Just leave any cast ideas in the comments below please!!! :) And please vote/comment if you think this update is worth it, it means so much to me!!!! :) Also, I do try to reply to every comment, even if it's not immediatley. Thanks guys!!! ily!!!!!

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