Meeting her

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Emotions are quite a fragile thing. You ever see the stickers on the side of crates saying 'Fragile this side up'? Half of this population must have that sign. If it were upto me, I'd have at least 3 stickers on me. Emotions are a person's biggest weakness and greatest strengths. There are many people in this world who have a lot of emotions. Me? I'm emotionally unstable. Emotions are man's biggest weaknesses as it makes them vulnerable. Maybe an example would be suitable here. I'm here to torture you for information on a lost treasure. I can torture you all you want and you wouldn't give it up. I bring a knife a few centimetres away from someone you care about and you will give me every piece of information you have. I can't make it as simple as that. When you care about someone, you have emotions. You have feelings for them. These feelings make you vulnerable to betrayal. A known enemy is always better than an unknown friend. Why? Because that known enemy will never betray you the way that friend can. It's also man's greatest strength as if makes us invincible. Any person would go through a lot of pain for someone they care for. For example, you try to save a random person, I can easily kill you with a bullet or two. But if you try to save a loved one, it would take more than that to kill you. You get strength from your emotions. Those emotions help you gather courage to save your loved ones.

So why pick the topic emotions? Well I want to talk about the first time I actually felt this for someone. Mainly her. I went to college thinking that no one would ever date me and I wouldn't ask any girl out at all. I was willing to date as long as the girl asked me out. Even after all that, somehow I'd always be staring at one girl. I never realised this though. I'd sit at the back and at times I'd look at her from the back. It's funny how I never realised this or the fact that I liked her. Sometime passed by before I actually realized that I liked her. That's when I started to talk to her. Here's a surprising fact, it was her that said hey first, not me. That seriously is an achievement in itself. It's maybe that small deed that makes her all the more special. Now people wonder why I share this with everyone. This is something that should be personal. Like her past life, or my feelings. These should be a motivation for everyone that no matter what happens in life, good will happen no matter what.

As I said, emotions. Well she had rejected me once. That rejection caused an overflow of emotions in me. You know the drill, rage, frustration blah blah blah. But what's on everyone's mind is why didn't I get over her? Well that's a question I know the answer to. She had changed my life. And now I was indebted to her. I knew she was the one for me. I knew I couldn't and shouldn't let her go. I wanted her to be with me at all costs. Why didn't I get over her? It's because I couldn't. Everything she had done for me, it was all special. I remember how I wrote a book specially for her. I remember how I hate romance so much as it makes me remember the bad things that happened to me before. Yet it was for her to enjoy did I write a romance story. Horror and thriller is my forte. Romance isn't. It's only thinking about her am I able to write romance. It's simple, I just imagine myself with her. And they say get over her? How can someone get over a person they deeply care for? Could you? When that person makes you do things you could never do, and not in the forceful way, is it the best choice to forget her? Well it's really great that I didn't, because she was finally with me. I am hers and she was mine.

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