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"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, right." With his eyes closed and deep in slumber, Luke walked the steps that haunted his dreams. "One, two, three, four, five, left." He turned "one, two, three, four..."

"Luke." Spoke a familiar voice causing Luke to halt in his trance like motions. "You're having them again." stated the slightly raspy voice approaching Luke. Gently, the familiar voice took hold of Luke's arm breaking him from his puppet state. Nonchalantly, Luke turned to face the voice. To his delight, it was his old friend, Bobbi. Although Luke was pleased to discover he was not dreaming anymore, he failed to show any indication of that emotion.   After a few seconds of silence, with Bobbi looking on worriedly towards his life friend, Luke finally managed to say,

"I don't like to talk about it."  There was a short silence between the pair.

"The dreams?" Bobbi questioned. Luke gave a solemn nod.    

Exchanging a nod of his own, Bobbi placed a reassuring arm around Luke "let's get back to the pack hey?" He smiled softly patting Luke on the back and began to lead the shaken male back to the group the pair were travelling with.

A little way into the forest, there was a small group of people all sat around a cracking fire. equal amount of girls to boys. From the shadows, Luke and Bobbi emerged and sat down at the warm fire.
"The dreamers back." Muttered the only other male.
"Hush yourself Seth!" Snapped the blonde haired female. Her glistening chocolate eyes glanced over at Luke. "You okay?" She asked softly. Luke awkwardly looked away from her gaze and gave a nervous nod of his head.

Seeing Luke's awkward reaction to the girl speaking, the other two females, one with white hair and the other with black hair,  exchanged glances and chuckled quietly to themselves. The black haired female  in particular, couldn't help but give a devious smirk towards Luke who pretended not to notice.

"If star gazer here would stop wandering off then maybe we would have reached the beach by now!" Seth violently spat.

"That's enough Seth!" Demanded Bobbi glaring towards him. "It's not Luke's fault he gets nightmares. You know what he went though."

"Well I'm sorry 'your highness'" he teased "We all went through it!" Seth aggressively bellowed. "Yes, Luke might have got hurt the worst but we were all there! And we don't all get nightmares!"
"That enough Seth!" Bobbi sternly snapped interrupting his sentence.
Seth, argontly rolled his pitch black eyes and ran a hand through his deep brown hair with a huff.

Bobbi rolled his pupils to the back of his head in annoyance before looking over at Luke giving him an encouraging nod and smile, which Luke returned before glancing one last look over at the blonde haired female.

Evangeline was her name, although she had stated many times in the past that she preferred names such as, 'eve' 'eva' or even 'Evanna'. She wasn't very fond of her name. Luke however, loved her name. It was beautiful, like her. It suited her perfectly. Lightly tanned skin, deep brown eyes with a hint of green around the pupil, and gorgeous dirty blonde hair. The dancing orange colours of the flames reflected her beauty in a way he could never have thought possible. Luke's nightmares haunted him daily, yet the beauty of coming back to Evangeline, was what helped keep him going.

With the night closing in, Luke watched as his companions settle down for the night. Luke however, didn't sleep. Instead, he kept a look out, making sure that the hunters were not approaching. 

Sat alone in the darkness, Luke cupped his hands round his chin 'will we ever make it' he thought silently to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2020 ⏰

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