Part One: A Supposed...

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In some space of time that don't need citation, has a man sitting in his rocking chair with his total peace and pleasure in listening to his newspaper, going and coming with the shuttle. The wind touched him in order to caress, and this reminded him of his sister. He loved her too much.

This man has a dog, who he called Little Mary. It's strange quoting the masculinity of the animal, but Mary was the name of his sister. It was the way the guy had arranged to keep her present.

- Joel - one day his mother called him by his second name, and he knew that was something exorbitant when she does it. - Is your sister... she disappeared, and... And... My God, I don't know how to say it.

The rest of the story he always liked to forget. They said that it was his defense mechanism who did it for him, but Lionel affirmed that was himself who hide it inside him. That he knew to be somewhere inside him, it was enough to search and find

The rocking chair was going and coming, Mary caressed him in the form of wind and like a Spooky clone, Little Mary barked in the backyard. His mother would come that night, and Lionel Joel didn't know If he loved or hated it, owing to the occurrence of facts to follow. The woman was a politician, and she loved to talk about it. She had made a thousand promises when Mary disappeared, but as usual with the people involved in this career, she lied.

His newspaper told him many stories, and he listened carefully.

-A man accused of stealing clocks is arrested a week after the act - Said the newspaper. This was one of the things that happened that most shocked humanity, it was quite easy to notice. "Increasingly man decreases his reading frequency", a certain one rightly said once, then they created a kind of newspaper that would sell the news with images and recorded audios, the biggest difficulty was to keep it in sheet form. They wanted to assimilate with J. K. Rowling's journals from his most famous book series, Harry Potter. Joel pressed to touch another news. Not that he liked the tragedies, but he was waiting for his mother. He was crazy for a drink, but he should be sober, like his mother asked in a call.

- Woman is assaulted in an alleyway and suspects escape unharmed.

Tightened on other news:

- Man dressed as a woman is hunted and humiliated in front of a church.

God ... Joel wanted to laugh at the name, but he assumes he did not. Not this time. He stared at the image of the next report, his eyes almost filled for a brief moment. Joel almost chose to jump, did not do well. He pressed "Sound," and then the voice of the reporter responsible for the news began.

- A farmer claims to have seen a great light lighten the sky at a dawn- then another voice appeared to dub the speech of whose farmer- I can swear by the grace of Jesus' Mother that I saw it, it was white as a camera flash, you know? Very strong indeed, and then disappeared. I thought it was lightening or something like that, but when I went to the lake the other day ... God, there he was, a deformed, tearful little man. His legs did not move, and his arms seemed too weak to crawl around.

Lionel pressed on "Stop." This was ridiculous and he did not have to listen. Joel claims to have gone ten years after the events, but was still present. Little Mary started barking, running after some mosquito, maybe.

He saw many other topics until his mother arrived, just didn't finish the last one mentioned. A strong light came from the sky, on the left side, on the low air road 345 and lit the whole balcony of the house of the solitary farm. The place was known as Happy Space some time before, and it was good for people to spend weekends in groups, but Joel wanted to buy it as planned, because Mary loved that place. But the name...

The varnished fence glowed yellowish, the glass of the cylindrical window dimmed the light on the other side in the coarse curtain. The plants blossomed with happiness, and the grasses made room for the car-taxi landing as the vassals had done with their king many, many years ago. Lionel Joel's eyes, as always, ached with the glare. The dog Little Mary barked and growled at the vehicle that was flying on its low airway between pedestrians and airplanes on its high roads. The creature seemed to understand what was happening with too much appreciation. Joel had taught quite effectively.

- Hell exists and seeks me. - He cursed himself. - For what damn reason am I sober? Hell!- the mother got out of the car and came toward her as the taxi returned to her route on the low 345 airways.- Mother! - he greeted her with a nod.

Little Mary toward Joel's mother and jumped on her legs, throwing her overcoat from side to side, wagging her tail, playfully, perhaps. She continued along the road of Britons surrounded by small pruned shrubs, with Little Mary sniffing her heels. The poor dog just wanted attention.

Joel still had the newspaper in his hand, although he preferred a bottle of rum, vodka, anything that made him drunk pretty well.- Mother - he said again as he watched the flying car follow 345.

- Joel, I didn't come to see you. - She said, climbing the lacquered wooden stairs.

- I'm sober, take it slow- asked.

Little Mary barked as if to say: hi, mama.

- I don't have time for this, Joel. It's about your sister; we finally have a suspect, or a supposed...

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