Chapter Two

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   ~just a quick note; the point of view's gonna be changing on how I want to write each chapter, so, yeaah... This one's from Kana's point of view~

   So I found myself here.
   Running, unable to turn back.
   Apparently, I had cast a ton of fire magic and burned down my home.
   I guess my black-out self was smart enough to at least get some clothes.
   And... my mom's music box...
   I play the tune. It's nice, calming.  But when the last not plays, I'm forced back into this reality.
   I just murdered dozens of innocent people... People with families... Over the loss of, well, my family...
   But I also killed my mother's murderer....But was that really a good thing? What is revenge even worth?
   Revenge, or people keeping their families? Their homes? ...While I lose both.
   ...Guess I tripped.

   A stream carries me and my little stuff for a little longer, until I get into a very deep part of a forest, a part lit by a dim green ambient light. Vines swing from tree to tree and bright faes dance around shimmering leaves and glowing flower bulbs. I climb out of the river and try to build a fire with trembling hands. But when I look into the flames, they're dancing with horrifying images of everything I've done. So I turn and stare into the water, cold to the bone, even if I was technically part fire. It was like some part of me died, some vital flame blown out.
   I try to sleep, snuggling up close to the fire, almost hugging it.  The fire I had created. The chaos I had created... I fall asleep with a tear stricken face, my tail between my legs, my ears down.

   The dreams I have are awful. I can hear screams, and cackling fire, and...    And her voice. Sweet things she's said to me, to make me feel better, to help with my problems. But she's not here to make me feel better anymore.     There's nothing she'll ever be able to do again. No more beautiful skies to share, no more bumps in the road to ride over together.


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