chapter 20

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Me:sooooo looks like i only got 1 question so far so i'll just continue da story until i see more questions! Also thank you guys for reading my story! Since there is no comments of should i do a collab, i'll just collab with sans x frisk from undertale
P.s:i ship them don't judge me ,alrighty to the storyyyy!

Penny:then when you transform what do you turn to?
Luna:i turn to half wolf and half demon
Swift:how about lucas?
Lucas: I turn to half wolf and half angel
Penny:what about your friends?
Luna:hmm god of water,  half mystical cat and half water dragon
Lucas:while godness of fire,half mystical cat and half fire drgon
Penny:cool this is just like the six elements!waitttt do you guys have a group name???!
Luna:*giggles*yes, it's called the six elements
Swift:wow penny your right
Penny:what about the others?
Luna:godness of earth/flora half bunny and half earth witch
Lucas:and god of air half bunny and half air wizard
Swift:can we meet them?
Luna:ok i'll call them*calls*

- a few minutes later-

???:eyyyyy luna,lucas! Nice to meet you again!
???: yeah it's been a long time!
???:we were lucky that all of us was having a spare time wait... hiiii what's your name?
???:luna,you bought more guests mind introduce them?
Luna:sure guys the penguin is called penny and the blue jay is called swift
???: wait are they dating? If they are they're gonna make a cute couple!
Penny & swift:0-0*blushes*
Lucas:nahhh they aren't but their the chosen ones!
Penny:um excuse me but what are your guys name?
???:oh right! My name is fiore!he's sean,those 2 are flora and Daniel
Flora:nice to meet cha!
Me:byeee mah cute wolfies!

swift x penny :the other dimensionWhere stories live. Discover now