31 | Memory Log 🌨

520 19 13

It was supposed to be nice.

I was going to binge watch the newest season of Grey's Anatomy while he was out.

But then you showed up.


"Meredith you're my queen-" I paused mid sentence, there was a knock at the door. "You're just gonna have to wait."

I stood up and left the bedroom.

Freezing in the hallway when I noticed the door opening.

It was Hoseok.

He kept a blank expression as he stumbled closer to me.

Was he drunk?

He hugged me before slamming me into the wall.

"S-Stop it."

I held my breath as he inhaled my scent.

He then pinned my wrists against the wall roughly.

"Why are you doing this?"

I held my breath as he kissed my left cheek.

Then my right.

Then my lips.

I was frustrated as I exhaled.

"That's enough." I whispered, turning my head away.

He roughly took one of his hands from my wrists and moved my face to face his.

"My sweet little Jiminie." He growled. "You just seem to have a problem getting into other people's business don't you?"

I was breathing heavily.

"I know baby."


"Shh don't speak baby." He cooed before kissing me again.

"Yoongi's gonna kill you." I managed to sputter out.

All he did was hum.

"Maybe not. I mean, I have my reasons Jiminie."

"Stop calling me that-"

"What?" He asked, "Jiminie?"


"Why? Yoongi calls you Jiminie, why can't I?"

I began to thrash against the wall.

I had to leave.


"Stop it!" I yelled, he covered my mouth with his hand.

"You're going to be quiet and take it." He hissed. "You did this to yourself."

My eyes began to water.

"You came between us. He wanted me. I pushed him away." He growled. "I'm not happy now because of you."

I then thought of an idea; a distraction.

He pulled his hand from my mouth.

"Did you just lick me?" He asked in disgust.

I was panting, tears threatening to pour out.

"That's enough." I whispered hoarsely.

He pulled me down by the wrists onto the carpet in the living room.

I began to pull myself away from him.

I didn't see the side table and he swung me right into it; sending the lamp my way.

The lamp smashed as it hit me and left a gash on my cheek.

My blood dripped to the white rug I picked out with Yoongi.


Why didn't I just go with him?

Hoseok grabbed my shirt by the collar and yanked me forward.

I was like a rag doll.

"You better learn." He growled before throwing me to the floor; knocking the wind out of me. I held onto the rug as it began to bunch underneath me.

He was trying to pull off my shirt.

I was crying and trying to breathe.

Trying to think.

"I-I'm sorry-" I managed to choke out. "-Hoseok."

He didn't say anything.

The only sounds I heard were my crying and the thunder out the window.

My body became numb as I laid on the rug.

I began to pick at the small sections of fabric; to distract myself.

Each thread was another reason to not look back at him and realize I was dirty.

I was damaged goods.


He finished.

He just stood up and left; leaving me to die.

But I didn't.

I stayed alive and in pain.

I stood.

And I stumbled into the bathroom.

I needed to be clean.

I filled the tub with warm water, looking in the mirror as I waited.

My eyes were red and the cut was still bleeding.

There was bruising on my shoulder that was exposed since he stretched my shirt.

I sat in the bathtub and pulled my knees to my chest.

I rocked back in forth, the feeling of my sticky clothes clinging to my body were comforting.

In a sick and twisted way.

I laid back and looked at the ceiling before feeling my eyes become droopy.

There was no saving my purity.

But for what it was worth;

I did learn.

And it is a lesson I'll never forget.


© thatjuicykpop, 2019
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