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Jennie's pov

I awed at the scenery in front of me. Getting into Stark high was something I always used to dream about when I was young now getting into it was like a dream come true.

"Jennie-ah don't forget to eat, call m-"

My mom's rambling was cut stopped when Bambam my cousin covered her mouth with his palms making me sweatdrop at them.

" Aunt she's not a child stop worrying about her "

Bambam scolded her but there was sadness too in his eyes making me feel sadness again.

My mom was really happy when she heard I got in but also very sad.She didn't really wanted her only daughter to be away from her.

"Mom trust me I will be alright "

I kissed her temple as I hugged both Bambam and her. I really love them both being away from them was really hard for me. But Stark high was my dream and also my late fathers. Some sacrifices have to be done.

After spending few more minutes with me and lot of crying from my mom. They left the campus after bidding goodbye.

I looked around to see lot of new students around me some were crying while others where taking selfies. It was big opportunity for me to enter here.

Stark high was not like the usual type of college you see. Only childrens of millionaire's were able to study here with the exception of lucky scholarships like me.

I was just a average girl with average looks, personality, background. You must be wondering how I got here. Well it's because of my amazing IQ of 169

Jungkook's pov

I groaned in frustration as I kept my book aside while lying in the bed. Rośe was taking too long to come back. It was irritating how she preferred her 'sweet' boyfriend over me.

I rolled my eyes at their thoughts. They were too much for me . I hate intimate relationship they were to much for me. My thoughts were interrupted by the knocking of the door.

"About time-

I was shocked to see a different girl infront of me instead of my plain old sister. The girl hair was light brown . She was also shorter than her.

" Who the hell are you? "

I coldly stared at her. I guess she didn't expect me to by the way she widened her eyes and gasped slowly. She screamed too innocent for me with her bare face and long sleeved orange top and mom jeans.

We were interrupted from our starring contest when my dearest sister decided to grace us with he presence looking apologizingly at the brownie .

" Ahh you must be Jennifer kim"

"Please call me Jennie "

"I didn't knew your boyfriend would be here too"

She timidly said her making both Rośe and I laugh out.

I rolled my eyes as my fucking beautiful cousin who was looking like a hot mess. Looks like someone just had sex making me gag internally

"I'm sorry about him "

Rośe smiled at the Lisa girl who smiled back nervously at her. Jennie then helped her with her luggages while I just layed in her bed looking at her in amusement.

She was a funny girl always shuttering and being shy. She seemed to really lack confidence.

Lisa's pov

I looked at the guy who was glaring at me as he looked down at me. He was a fairly tall guy for his age. He had brown hair with almond shaped eyes and lip piercing. He was wearing a white top , torn black jeans withn flip flops.

I averted my gaze from his fiery eyes as a girl entered the room. His girlfriend and my roommate I suppose. She looked like she ran a mile with messy hair . She wore a black tanktop and jeans short.

Turns out he was her brother making me embarrassed at myself as Rośe helped me with my things.The guy was still laying in her bed as he read his book.

"And it's finished "

"So are you coming to the party tonight"

Rośe asked after she helped me arrange my things at the room. There was hope in eyes that maybe I'll go. Suddenly her brother snickered out loudly as he looked at me.

" Really sis" He cocked his head as he mockingly looked at me. "I can't really imagine this one at the party "

"Jungkook "

"It's true actually I don't think it's my thing"

I gave a small smile to Rośe. I was really hurt by his words but I guess he's is kind of right. Judging by the looks of Jungkook and Rośe I was a mere peasant in front of them. They looked like royalty. And I guess there friends were like them too. I would stuck out like a sore foot in the party.

"Just go away Kook "

"Whatever" He rolled his eyes at her as she glared at him. She was really kind to me unlike her douche bag brother. "By the way I will pick you up "

'Don't listen to him " Rośe 's eyes softened when she looked at me. "You should really come with me "

"You'll love it "

I wanted to say no but after seeing the hopeful look she gave me I contemplated.She was nothing but nice to me. Maybe I should go.

I give her a small nod making her smile brightly as she hugged me tightly as I awkwardly hugged back.

Looks like I made a new friend.

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