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Rachel's pov

   I woke up to bright light in my eyes. I knew it was not my room after seeing the walls painted dark blue and book shelves. 


I softly sighed and dressed my naked self up quickly not wanting the person besides me to woke up. I really hated doing this but we cant really stop  feelings. Fuck this shit.

I wore my favorite maroon color bra and tied my long red hair in a messy bun and left the room after giving a one last glance at the Greek God still sleeping.

"Leaving now I see "

   Lee Taeyong smirked at me as I walked down the stairs. I scoffed at his smug face and left the room .

"Oh shut up "

I rolled my eyes at him.He was leaning against the kitchen sink while sipping his coffee. He was hot l will give him that but his attitude sucks. I coldly stared at him and left the house.

I entered my so called house to see my sister aka the Godness looking disappointed at me as she looked at my appearance.

I don't judge her tho. I looked horrible in my messed my eye makeup and hickeys filed neck. I probably smelled like shit. I'm surprised Lee Taeyong didn't leave a comment on it.


“Stop it sis”

I scoffed at her face as I walked up stairs to my room. She out of all the people didn't have a right to judge me.

  Jennie's pov

"Do I really have to go? "

  “Stop making excuses " Rośe simply told  me as searched through her makeup pouch. She was wearing a  mini black dress which showed her curves while I was wearing dark Blue Jeans and yellow top.

"Are you sure you don't want to apply makeup? "

I shaked my head at her. I only put makeup once and it was a disaster. I had to wake up with raccoon like eye.

We  arrived at the venue after Jungkook ditched Rośe  go with his basketball team friends. It was organized by the collage for the freshers.

It was different than the parties I heard about from Bambam. There was teenagers everywhere.Some were dancing while others were making out. They were wearing very inappropriate dresses.

I watch people hug and check Rośe out. Everyone was looking at us. I guess they were wondering how a girl like me ended up beside her.

Not a single person was wearing a dress like me. Girl were dressed up in either booty shorts or really short dresses. It barely covers there bodies making me cringe internally.

We reached a group of people who I automatically assumed were Rośe's friend.

They were all posh like her.

They were sitting around a couch. I looked at them to see Jungkook sitting at the right side of the couch as a girl flirted with him.

I avoided looking at him as Rośe kissed a guy who I guess was was her boy.He wasn't very tall like the boys here but he was very handsome and suited her.

This is Jennie my roommate, she is new here " Rośe  smiled at me as she introduced me to her friends.

One by one they smiled at me or bowed to me as I smiled back at them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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