Chapter 1

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"I'm what?!" I exclaimed.

"You're on the football team, Parker. We saw how you performed on the trial day, and it was above average. So, welcome to the team." Mr Write grinned.

I exhale sharply, standing up from the uncomfortable and cheap office chair. "Thank you, sir, I'll see you at training tomorrow morning." 

I close the door behind me and put my head in my hands. "Seriously?! How am I 'above average'? Bullshit!" 

My best friend, Ned, made me go to the football trials because apparently there were 'cute boys going'. Ned teases me for being gay, so he does crap like that. For your knowledge, there weren't any cute boys there, and now I'm stuck on the team with a pile of sweaty, unpleasant smelling men. Worse of all; I'm stuck with Wade.

Wade is in a lot of the same classes as me, and he's the absolute worst. He can never stop talking and he constantly makes jokes that he thinks are funny (and, obviously, they're not). He has messy, blonde hair, bright baby blue eyes, and an abnormal amount of scars.

I slouch out of the school to my beat up car, when I see Ned waiting for me, sitting on my bonnet. "Oh, hey bro! Took you long enough." he smiles, handing me a frappe from Starbucks.

"What's the occasion? Never thought you were generous." I grin.

"Well, I'm super excited. I have some tea," he says, jumping off the front of my car and opening the passenger door. "I'll tell you in the car."

"And I thought I was the gay one," I say, confused. I walk over to my car and get in.

"Okay, spill sister!" I say, mimicking Ned.

"Rumours going around are saying that Wade doesn't just like girls," Ned states, then sips his milkshake.

"Well- I- okay? Why would you think I care?" I say, getting defensive. "Plus, how do you even know it's true? Like, who said it?"

"God, calm down. I've seen how you look at him. You barely keep in any of your drool. I don't know if I should think it's cute or disgusting." 

I frown, my face heating up. "You know how much I don't like him, Ned. This is pointless."

"Look, just hear me out," Ned sighs, "from your mood I can easily guess you made it into the team," I nod. "I'm just trying to lighten the mood. I'm just saying, since Wade's in the team, you guys could bond. It'll be cute. And then, if you start getting feelings, you'll have the reassurance that he's not straight! I think I'm being helpful."

"I think you're being annoying." I groan. I reach for my phone and check the time.

4:06 PM

"Thanks, Ned, but I'm really not into Wade. And I doubt I will ever be." I notice his face drop. "Now, I have to get home. My parents are probably worried sick."

"Okay," Ned opens the door of my car and steps out. "just don't forget what I told you, alright?"

I chuckle. "Alright, Ned. Good night."

"Good night, Peter!" he shuts the door.

Once he walks back to his car, I sit there for a moment. 

"Wade? Gay? That's impossible. He's, like, the straightest person I know."

"But.. what if he's not? I could have a good chance. He is pretty cute."

I shake my head, turning the key to start my car, and playing my playlist on Spotify.

As I drive, I notice my surroundings. My parents always say I'm very observant. I'm not sure if that's a good thing. The tree's leaves are starting to tinge a chestnut colour and the sky is becoming a cool, pastel pink and purple colour. The sun is starting to set earlier. Perfect.

It seems like I can never get away from Wade because when I pull in to the driveway of my house, I can see him slowly make his way down the street.

I take my backpack out of the boot, lock my car, and ignore Wade walking past. No matter how cute he might be.

"What's up, Petey?" Wade smirks. "Saw you go to the football trials. I think your noodle legs will be great on the team."
I roll my eyes. "Better get used to them, because they are. On the team, I mean."

His expression lightens. What? Why did it lighten? "Really? Strange. Didn't know you knew how to play football."

"I don't." 

One of Wade's eyebrows goes up. "Oookay... Anyway- I'll see you at training, Petey." he gives me a quick smirk before he continues walking.

I sigh, rubbing my flustered face, before walking inside. I see my pa sitting on the couch with his legs up on the coffee table, reading a newspaper. "Oh, hey squirt! What took you so long?" the blonde smiled kindly.

"Just had a talk with the head of HPE. No big deal."

"You got into trouble?! What happened?"

"No, no. He was telling me I made it.. into the uh, the football team."

Pa stands up. "That's fantastic!" he rushes over and gives me a hug, suffocating me. "T-thanks, pa. It's really nothing."

He pulls out of it and smiles proudly at me. "Go tell Tony. He's in the garage, as always."

I put my drink and bag down, and slowly open the door to the garage. "Hey, dad? I'm home."

He looks up from his work. There were blue holograms and metal parts all over a small wooden desk. "Oh, hey kid." He looks back down.

"So, I don't really think it's a big deal, but pa told me to tell you.."


"I, err, made it into the football team."

Dad looks back up and grins. "Good work, kid. You're becoming your dad's son. Not me, obviously. Steve."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Well, being me is better, but Steve will have to do for now." he laughs, and I laugh too.

"Thanks, dad. I'll see you later." I slowly shut the door, trying not to make noise. 

I walk back to my bag and pick it up, walking upstairs to my room. I shut the door and flop onto my bed. My thoughts were racing. It was like they were split. I close my eyes and let them take over.

"Is it obvious?" 


"That we're crushing on Wade." 

"But we aren't?" 

"We totally are. Every time we see him. Every time he calls us 'Petey'. We get so blushy and nervous." 

"But we don't even like him? I don't understand. He's annoying, and a jerk." 

"Then why do we blush?"

"..Why do we blush?"


I hope people read this. I'm on a different account than usual, and I'm not used to writing long paragraphs. Word count: 1075. Wow. Main: YoutuberHighschool

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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