Happy ?

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"There's this really nice girl in my class that's quiet and always has a clicker device with her, and she would randomly click it with a smile on her face. It makes me happy when I hear the clicking, because I know she is happy, and she deserves to feel the happiness that she gives to others."

" dude she isn't happy, she's training herself to be happy"

A story in which a guy falls for a girl because she brings happiness to everyone including him. But what he doesn't know is that she suffers from depression and doesn't know what happiness actually feels like.


Some people might not get it so I'll explain a little better : people that suffer from major depression may choose to have a clicker, which is a device that you can hold and click whenever you start to have dark thoughts . It usually works for individuals with a simple mindset . Basically the clicks will trigger your brain into having happy thoughts. It's basically an alarm that distracts you from thinking negatively.

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