Chapter 3

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Julia awoke to find the sun prying itself through the blinds and crept toward the footboard of her bed. She hated the daytime, she didn’t know why for there was no particular reason she had a distain for the time. She often blamed the false sense of security it brought her, waking up in the morning to see run into the kitchen where her mother once stood cooking breakfast. Mealtime was always family time in the Torres house. Julia rolled across the bed to find her alarm clock. As her vision came into focus she realized the face of the clock read ‘2:15’. She grunted and pulled herself up to find something to eat.     

            Julia found herself often alone more times than not in the recent months that passed. Not just in the house but in life in general. Something bothered her. She could never quite figure it out but she knew it was there at the back of her mind. After making a 2nd bowl of cereal she took it back to her room to check what text messages she had missed. She squinted as the screen illuminated her face and the wall behind her. Peered through a slit between her eye lids and read the name ‘Ryan’ on the list of messages awaiting her. She liked hanging out with her cousin Ryan. He never judged her or brought up things she didn’t like to talk about. He was an ok guy in her book, a liitle weird and nerdy but an ok guy

            She opened the text and tried to make sense of it

‘cuzzo. Got girl problems. SOS…’ and another ‘sleeping beauty! Assistance would be awesome’…’guess ill just have to ask your sister. She is the brains out of the two of you… lol’

            She tossed the phone at the foot of the bed. Julia hated when he compared her to her sister. He did it to get under her skin and he knew how to do it well. After finishing the bowl she hesitated to take the bowl to the kitchen but decided to put it on the floor instead to annoy her sister. She checked her messages again and found a message from her on again off again boyfriend Hector. She really liked Hector. She didn’t know whether it was his car, his style or the simple fact that he was older than her by 6 years but she really liked being with him. She got into the shower for a quick rinse and got dressed to meet him.

            When she got outside she ran into a lovely little surprise.

            ‘Hello there Julia’ a deep voice rumbled as she locked the front door. She didn’t have to turn around to know it was Detective Rouge from the organized crime unit. Rogue was a tall black man with a baldhead who always seemed to be greasing his lips with lip balm whenever they had an encounter. As she turned around, this time was no different.

            “Some rouge for agent Rogue… how cute” Julia snarled as she walked past him

            “It is lip balm not rouge and it is DETECTIVE not agent Miss Torres.” He shot back at her with a stonewall face. He shoved the balm into his coat pocket and followed her down the street.

            “You know I hear it isn’t safe for you to walk the streets alone any more after Hector’s little stunt Last night.” The detective proclaimed

            “and what stunt would that be officer Rouge?”

            “The one where him and his little posse left a girl nearly dead and molested in an alley. A girl your age who happened who happens to be related to the local chapter of the Arian Race, and its DETECTIVE ROGUE not officer Rouge young lady. The U is placed in a different position of the word. You are playing with fire and it will not end well for you.”

            Julia could feel her ears turn bright red and felt as hot as a wood poker. Hector would never do that she thought to herself. He is a nice guy who is in the wrong places at the wrong time. Yea, he dabbles in the occasional drug deal but he needs the money. He would never hurt anyone… that didn’t deserve it. ‘He is your boyfriend she reminded herself.

            “Yea yea detective, nice try. Now if you excuse me I have a bus to catch across town.” She replied nervously. She walked a few blocks before she heard a honk. It was Rogue again.

                        “I can give you a ride to where ever you are going” he said

            “and have you beat up my boyfriend so you can stick some trumped up charges on him? No way” Julia yelled back at him as she ran across the street through traffic. She ran for the bus on the corner and slid between the doors as the bus pulled off. It wasn’t her bus but it got her away from all of the questions. She watched as Detective Rogue stood next to his car and shrink into the distance. She sat down and began to think about what he said. She knew hector well enough to know what he would and wouldn’t do. She knew he couldn’t hurt a girl. He wasn’t that type of guy. Or was he

            “So you avoid my texts and then stalk me after? Real smooth Julie bird” a voice said.  She looked up to find her cousin Ryan staring down at her as he held the poll attached to her seat. He was the only person that still called her Julie bird. It was her nickname when they were kids. She hated it but she tolerated it from Ryan because it made her feel a little less screwed up in the head when it came out of his mouth.  She felt her ears slowly cool off as Ryan slid unto the seat next to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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