Intro -Part 2

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Everyone seemed to be walking towards me.

Finally when we huddle into a group, they all hug me. I'm taken aback at first but later I hug them back.

I realized what was happening ....

This has been happening for the past two years , so yeah I know what happens next. And that is exactly what happened next.

__________Next day________


Uhhhhh ! This stupid alarm ! I'm really gonna throw it out of my window sooner or later !

I swing my hand over my bed side table and knock the alarm to the floor sleepily, hoping that it would shut down completely and let me live the rest of my life happily .

But N-O-O-O ! 

That wretched alarm was still ringing. I forcefully get out of my bed and switch it off. I place it on my table and go to my window and pull the blinds open. My bedroom immediately gets washed with pure light and it looks much more lively than it looked a few moments ago. 

I sit on my bed and try to recollect what happened the previous day.....


Everyone breaks the hug and looks at each other sadly. Yeah, we all knew that the day was over and we all had to go back to our hectic lives. 

We all had a family to support and that was the reason why we worked so hard. The only enjoyment and happiness we got was seeing our families happy. Aside from that our friends were really important to us. We seven, especially, were very close. We knew each other from childhood and we were inseparable.

I hope ..........I hope that we stay inseparable

After we bid goodbyes, we leave , promising that we will plan another hangout very soon. Just as decided, I give Cheryl and Tori a ride to their house.

After I reach home, I only stand for a few minutes to check my phone. We had decided to keep a secret way of ensuring that we all are safe and have reached our houses by just sending YES in our group chat.

After I finish counting six YES, I just crash onto my bed with exhaustion.

-----End of Flashback------

I lazily get out of my bed and hit the showers. After bathing and brushing, I quickly change into military pants and a tee. As I'm descending the stairs, I can hear my sister bustling around the house in a hurry. 

She's always in a hurry. She never wakes up on time !

I reach the hall to find my sister hobbling around with one shoe and stuffing cheerios into her mouth. She, then finds her lost shoe, puts it on, stuffs some random books into her bag and prepares to leave for school. 

She asks, "Are you not going to be a responsible caring older sister and drop your cute little sister to school ?" " Hahaha...Never ! You know that you are gonna miss your bus, so you are just indirectly asking me to drop you to school. OH Puh-lease !" I exaggerate and laugh. She pouts but then waves her hand and runs to the door.

"Go catch your bus Sele. Goodbye !" I call out to her as she dashes out of the house.

That's my sis, Selena. Six years younger than me, but has an attitude of a sixty year old woman. Very bossy. Annoying. But sweet at the same time considering the fact that I'm not the best sister either ! So who's to judge her attitude when I have plenty of it too.

I wear my running shoes and plug in my headphones, searching for the right tune to fit my mood.

Aha ! Found you ! Perfect song...

"....dashi Run Run Run nan meomchul suga eopseo...." I smile listening to one of my fave song and start jogging to the park.


After an hour of jogging, I quickly wash up and get ready for office. While driving to office , I get a call .

Me: Hello ?

Unknown person: Hello ? Is this Maria Mellows ?

Me: Yes ?

UP (Unknown Person): Maria ? Maria ?!?!?! Is it really you ?!?! Oh EM GEEEE?!?!

ME: ???

I couldn't hear a single thing because the person on the other side of the phone was squealing and screaming her throat out. I was driving and the person on the phone was not giving any details about her so, I just hang the call.

Not a minute had passed , that my phone started ringing again. This time I ignored it not only because the caller was annoying but also because I had almost reached my office.

I finish parking my car and was about to get out of my car when my phone rang again.

I had enough of her, I was seriously gonna curse that lady now ! I pick up the call. Before I could utter a single curse I was cut in between....

UP: If you are not gonna listen to me, I'll personally come to your house and rip your throat out or probably Selena's ! Get it 'sweetheart' ?

I am normally not scared of empty threats like these but......

But unlike before, this was a man talking and ........and ......and something was really familiar about his voice. I don't know why but his threat didn't seem so empty to me. His way of saying 'sweetheart' was dripping with sarcasm and it chilled me to my bones. It was like I could feel him smiling evil-ly while saying that. No one messes with my sister ! I don't care about myself but , Selena on the other hand.....

UP: GOOD girl ! Now just listen to me carefully OR you know what happens..........


End of Part 2!!!! Yayy ! I really hv no idea where this is going but I hope good ideas come to my head ....I like the way this chapter turned out ! 

Anyway Love u guys for the positive comments.... Saranghaee ! Fighting !!

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