Always - Arthur Shelby

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It was late when everyone started filing drunkenly out of The Garrison. Tommy had left some time earlier to take care of some business, and Polly and Esme had gone home to the kids, leaving you and John sat around your table, Arthur passed out somewhere in the smoky darkness that remained.

You were worried about Arthur. I mean, you were always worried about those damn Shelby boys. They had this infuriating knack for getting themselves into all sorts of trouble, but Arthur plagued your thoughts more than the others these days. The war had changed him. It had changed them all, no man came home same as he left, but Arthur didn't seem to be handling it as well as the others these days. The drinking, the drugs, the fighting. It was taking it's toll on him mentally. You hadn't realised that John had gotten up in search of his older brother until he called out to you, sounding tired and annoyed.

"He's out of it again, Y/N"

You lifted yourself heavily out of your seat,

"Go home to your wife, John," you sighed, "I'll take care of Arthur."


It wasn't an unusual sight these days, you half dragging a barely conscious Arthur through the streets of Small Heath in the direction of his house. Glancing at him beside you, you knew you didn't mind really. He needed someone to be there for him, someone who wouldn't judge him, or laugh at him, or think less of him because of his suffering. Even if the two of you never talked about his issues, you knew he appreciated what you did for him, he wouldn't let you drag him home every night if he didn't. He could have slept it off at The Garrison, after all, it was his pub but he knew it eased your mind to help him.

The cool Birmingham air had sobered Arthur until he was almost coherent, and he took in his surroundings, feeling the familiar sensation of your arm around him, holding him upright. He gazed over at you, soaking in your delicate features in the dim light of the early morning, and knew he was lucky you were so patient with him. He'd always cared for you. When you were a child, it was like a sister. As you both got older, he'd felt his love for you start to change as he noticed you blossoming into a beautiful young woman, and as he noticed others noticing as well. Then the war had happened and he'd never once expected you'd still be here when they came home, watching over Finn and John's kids, helping Polly with business.

"You're too good to us, Y/N, too good to me. All my life, you've always been there to take care of me when I need it"

"Well, someone has to, you Shelby boys would be long dead if not for me and Poll!"

Arthur laughed alongside you as you reached his front door, although he knew there was truth in your words. You gave him a fond smile as you helped him through the door and up the stairs, lowering him onto the bed without bothering to take off his jacket or shoes. He rolled to look up at you, face softening as he took you in, his guardian angel. His hand shot out to grab your wrist as you turned to leave without him even really thinking about it. You hesitated, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Stay with me, Y/N?"

Your heart melted at the way he sounded so vulnerable, so unlike the Arthur everyone thought they knew. You knew this was a side of him only you would ever know, and you relished in the thought. You slid off your heels, sliding on the bed to allow him to wrap you in his arms as you spoke into the darkness,

"Always, Arthur, I'll always stay with you"

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