Chapter 4

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Torie's POV

I stirred as I was set down on a soft cushioned surface. I opened my eyes to find myself on what seemed to be a large L shaped couch. Romeo sat on a small coffee table in front of me.

"How are you feeling? Are you in pain?" he asked softly and I nodded. My head felt a tad bit better but not much and my left wing was still a big mass of pain. I settled myself into the soft cushions and rested my head down on the armrest closing my eyes. My other half was still unsettled, she didn't trust the wolves but so far they hadn't tried to hurt us and the truth was we needed help. So I tried my best to reassure her.

I heard Romeo get up and walk somewhere behind me so I opened my eyes and looked around. There was a huge flat screen tv set into the wall in front of the couch where I rested, a small coffee table between us. The wall to my left had a few frames on it that seem to be pictures but I couldn't really make out much of them from my position. To my right was a window and then what seemed to be the front door.

Just then, said door opened and in came Adrian followed by a tall, dark skinned man who was wearing a white coat and a stethoscope around his neck. He had dreadlocks that were tied back in a bun, much like Romeo's hair was. He had chocolate brown eyes that fell on me immediately as he came in.

"Why is there a swan on the couch?" he asked looking from me to someone behind the couch.

"She isn't just a swan." came Romeo's voice. "She's a... a swan shifter."

The doctor just stared at him.

"I told him but he wouldn't believe me." said Adrian as he stood next to the doctor who I still didn't know his name.

"It's true Doc, we all watched her shift." said Peter as he came to sit on the lovesit next to the couch.

" do all know there is no such thing as a "swan" shifter right?" said the doctor and walked up to me and crouched in front of me taking a sniff. I backed my head away from him but tried my best to not move much as to not cause myself more pain.

"I can smell blood and forest and well, swan but not shifter." he said looking me over. He reached out to touch my left wing and I hissed at him, which made him stop and looked back at who I assumed was Romeo now standing right behind me on the couch.

"This is just a wild swan." he said getting back up.

"No she's not." all three, Romeo, Adrian and Peter, said at the same time. I didn't hear Gustav and wondered where he was.

The doctor sat on the coffee table and looked around the room.

"Did you all find mushrooms again? Is this some elaborate prank you are all trying to pull on me?" he asked with a smirk. "Cause it isn't working and I sure as hell hope none of you hurt this poor thing just for a prank." he said now giving the room a hard glare.

"Hunters." said Romeo and the doctors face grew darker. "We took care of them but she was already hurt by the time we found her." he explained and the doc sighed and relaxed.

"Did you report this to your dad?" he asked.

"Not yet, treating her was more important."

The doctor looked me over and sighed again.

"I can treat the wound but you all will have to set it free."

"She's not just a swan Doc, she was a girl and then, poof, a swan. She shifted just like we do." said Peter looking from me to the doc.

"This is all your idea isn't it?" the doc accused him.

"I'm not making this up!" he said "We all saw her shift."

TorieWhere stories live. Discover now