First days at home

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"The piano is always true to me.  In times of despair, happiness and joy, it's mood is always my own"—Bradley Joseph

 [Agathe Backer-Grondahl 6 Idylles for Piano Op. 24, 6 Etudes for Concert Op.11 ]

September 2015

The early morning sun streams in the windows of the bus, as it rumbles down the two lane highway. The smell of cow manure lets me know I am getting closer to the rural area where the prison is. I've been home for almost a week now, and today, I am going to visit my lovely Bride. The long bus ride gives me plenty of time to plan out what I am going to say. I can't wait to show her the certificate and the pictures Frau took at Busoni. I got third place overall, but I also won the Chopin award, which I was thrilled with because it was more about interpretation and not just technical ability.

At first Frau was sullen and grouchy. "You could have tied for second just like those other two did. I swear, you would think the prize money for this competition was coming out of the judges' own pockets. Seon Jae, don't think for one minute you're not as good as they are. These judges must have their heads up their...I mean they left their brains at home." Her mood improved quickly though, when it was announced that I won the Chopin award because she said, "For once, they got something right!" more times than I could count.  

The bathroom at home is demolished right now, except for the toilet, and Ahjumma's nephew and his crew are working on it every day. Yesterday they brought up a big white bathtub, a new faucet and shower head, pipe, and a vent, so the bathroom will not have as many mold and mildew problems. The heater will be here next week.  

My house is a hub of activity right now, because I've been working on my own projects too. Earlier in the week, I made a completely new frame for our bed. It's just about done, I want to put one more coat of stain on it. I have a new mattress for it too; that will be delivered early next week. Now that Grandfather has a computer, I send him emails with pictures of my work. He says I'm doing pretty good, considering the few hand tools I have to work with. The landlord gave me six months of rent credit toward the repairs, he appreciated that I wanted a better bathroom, and he's just too busy to fix up my apartment. I tried to negotiate for more, reminding him of how punctual I am with paying the rent, but that was all he would do. It doesn't quite offset the costs, but it helps.

I see the prison from the bus window, and I feel that familiar nervousness in my stomach.  I hope I am ready for this. I know she is not going to be happy when she finds out I've pretty much taken a leave from school. When I get inside, and sign in, the guard escorts me right away to a small office, and has me wait there. I thought I was nervous before, but this has just doubled it. Why did he bring me here? Is there a problem?  My stomach was already in a knot before I walked in.

An older man in a wrinkled gray shirt and stained tie comes into the little office to talk with me. He doesn't bother to introduce himself, but I guess he figures I can read "Warden" on his badge. He sits behind the desk, and sets his coffee cup down on a pile of folders, creating a new coffee ring stain on the top folder. He tells me my Bride (who he calls my Mom...ah, so irritating!)  will be released in about two and a half weeks, the Wednesday just before Chuseok! So soon! I can hardly believe it!. She's been given credit for the time served before the sentencing, plus they credited her for "good behavior".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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