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Jungkook's POV

Stupid Ji-yong. I saw what he did to Jin-hyung. How dare he even think of touching him.
     "Come on Kook. Let's go to class before we're late." Jimin says to me.
     "I can't believe what he did either, but we can't let that ruin our day. Now come on before we're late." Taehyung says.
     "Fine." I run past everyone in the hallway and get to class and in my seat before the teacher even walks in.
       Taehyung and Jimin always seem to forget about my quirk. I'm never late for anything.
     Taehyung and Jimin walk in the classroom and glare at me. I smile innocently.
     "Not my fault my quirk is super speed." I say, shrugging my shoulders.
     They take their seats as the bell rings and everyone else comes in.
     The teacher walks in and begins our lesson. Man I can't wait until lunch.

Jin's POV

I feel...three pairs of eyes on me; Min Yoongi, Kim Namjoon, and Jung Hoseok.
     I know I'm gorgeous, but they don't have to stare at me like that.
They probably saw what Ji-yong did and plan on questioning me about it later.
"Mr. Kim Seokjin, can you come to the front of the class and demonstrate how to solve this problem?" My teacher asks.
"O-Of course." I walk up to the front of the class and make myself some chalk to write with.
When I'm done solving the question, everyone in the class is staring at me like I'm insane.
Even my teacher is giving me an odd look. "Um..Seokjin..we haven't even covered this subject yet. It's another level of math that we don't cover in school.."
Great. Now my entire class knows I'm a nerd. I never had friends growing up, so I had lots of time to study and practice using my quirk.
"O-oh...um...haha...I'll just go back to my seat." I say, quickly making my way to my seat.
My cheeks burn when I hear students start whispering about me.
Soon, the bell rings and I never left that classroom so quick.
When I get to the gym for our last class of the day, I'm met with my perverted gym teacher.
"H-Hi Seonsaeng-nim." I say as I try to slide past him to get into the locker room.
     He grabs my wrist and pins me to the wall inside the gym where all the boys can see.
     "S-Seonsaeng-nim?" "I suggest you be quiet Seokjin. Wouldn't want anyone to hear you now would we?"
     "I suggest you get off of him Seonsaeng-nim. I'll throw you like I did yesterday." A wave of relief washes over me when I hear Hoseok's voice.
     I push my teacher away from me and cling to Hoseok.
     He wraps his arm around my waist and keeps me close to him as we walk into the locker room.
He sits me down on one of the benches and kneels down in front of me.
"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" "I'm fine. He didn't hurt me. Just scared me a bit."
Hoseok places a gentle kiss on my cheek before he rushes off to get changed.
I stand from the bench and walk to my locker to start getting changed.
I almost have a heart attack when I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist.
"Did he hurt you Jin-hyung?" I release a breathe of relief when I hear Jimin's voice.
I chuckle and say, "No Jiminie. He didn't hurt me. Now go get changed."
     I push Jimin towards his locker and walk over to mine to get dressed.
     As I take off my skirt, I feel someone slap my ass.
The hell is it with people wanting to slap my ass?
"I knew you wore panties Jin, but I didn't know you wore lace panties."
                            Kwon Ji-yong
"That doesn't mean you have to slap my ass Ji-yong." I say as I quickly throw my shorts on.
"Oh, but I wanted to." I roll my eyes and change my shirt.
"I know I'm gorgeous, but can you not stare at me? I don't like that attention coming from you." I say as I put on my shoes and start walking out of the locker room, not missing the looks the other guys give me. Horny fucks.

When I walk out, our teacher already has volleyball nets up.
"Today I want you all in teams for volleyball. This will help build how well you work as a team. Yes, you can use your quirks, but only on your side of the net."
Before I can even think, I'm being pulled to one side of a net by Jungkook.
"Mr. Jeon, you can only use your quirk but so much and I'm sure you know why." Our teacher says.
Jungkook sighs. "Yes Seonsaeng-nim." Jungkook and I get into positions to play.
Ji-yong is on the opposite side of me just staring at me.
Fucking creep. I feel my face burn so I look away from him.
     As soon as our teacher tells us to start, the ball is being smacked across the net.
     "Jin-hyung look out!" I hear Jimin call out to me.
     I quickly jump as high as I can and hit the ball back over to the other side.
     "Damn hyung. You spiked it really nicely. They couldn't hit it back over here fast enough, so we got the point." Namjoon says.
The rest of class goes on with my team winning and Ji-yong...still staring at me.
We finish the game with my team winning and Namjoon trying to kiss me in front of the whole class.
"Yah! Namjoon! Get off of me!" Namjoon has me pinned to the ground trying to kiss me.
"You let everyone else kiss you." "What is up with all of you and trying to kiss me?! Namjoon if you don't get off of me I'll slice your dick off."
Namjoon freezes and gets up, hiding his little Namjoon and biting his lip.
I get up and go into the locker room to get changed.
"I'm still waiting for you to take me up on that date Jin." Ji-yong whispers in my ear.
"Go away Ji-yong. I don't care if you tell them what I read. They're just books anyway."
"Get away from him G. I don't feel like having to kick your ass today." Yoongi says as he gets changed.
"You don't own him Yoongi, so you can shut the hell up." Ji-yong says, also getting changed.
"Can both of you just calm down and stop acting like children. I belong to no one." I say as I pull up my skirt and close my locker.
As I fix myself, I'm suddenly pulled and slammed against someone's chest.
A hand lands on my waist and another under my chin. My head is lifted and I see none other than Jung Hoseok. "You'd belong to me though. Right hyung?" I whimper and bite my lip.

God what is he doing to me?

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