#End? No

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Note:so this chapter no smut cuz my friend is too busy to do her smut book so I don't want to disturb her so this is not the end of the story it just the end of the book 1 .

*1year later*


" Y/n ! Let's go the ceremony is starting"
My mom shouted from downstairs.

Yes , my mom is in Yoongi's house , i rushed downstairs i fixed my graduate hat and my parents smiled , Yoongi and Taehyung was there too . I was so happy that i finally graduated and all the drama i gone through is no longer happening again.

"Okie okie one picture sweetie" my dad said adjusting the camera.

"Dadddd i will be late " i whined.


"Heyyyyy Y/n" Narae shouted my name .

"Narae hi and finally " I chuckled.

"Where is Taehyung and Yoongi ?" Narae asked.

"Over there with my parents "i pointed at them.

I was ready to go on the stage ,but Taehyung showed up to me. He kissed my cheek good this is a bad time to blush.

"Wrong timing Tae " I facepalmed.

"Who cares" Taehyung replied.


The best day and I'm very happy with Taehyung and Soobin was here too celebrating my graduation. My parents is talking to Taehyung's parents while me having a great time with all my friends.

Im happy

I freshen up myself and went downstairs because i smelled food. Grandpa Yoongi, i saw Yoongi cooking spaghetti carbonara.

"Yoongi are you done yet you so slow " i slapped his shoulder.

"If you being like this , u will be cooking next not me anymore " Yoongi glared at me.

"Okay grandpa oh by the wa-" i was cut off by the doorbell .

"Open the damn door kid" Yoongi said .

I went to the door as soon I open it . Taehyung was holding a huge ass teddy bear and i was shook i cant even see his face . I grabbed the bear and i put on the couch while hugging it .

"So you love the beat more than me " Taehyung crossed his arms .

" i love you more thank you" i hugged Taehyung .


"Do that grandpa always nag you?" Taehyung asked.

"Almost every single day " i rolled my eyes .

*6 months later*

I have entered a university and i take filming production course and. It was nice i love doing this job , i can learn more about how they make a movie the behind the scenes it was satisfying.

My class ended and Yoongi is picking em up since Taehyung is working . I packed my things , i was walking fast because there is no much people . I accidentally bumped into someone chest becaui was looking down .

"Omg im so sorry " I apologize.

"It's okay wait i know you but I don't know your name , are you from the filming director ?" The tall man asked me .

"Oh yeah I'm a director of it , my name is Y/n do i know you ?" I asked back.

"Maybe no but yea i went to your same class as you so yeah btw I'm Song Min Ho " He said while he offers a handshake.

"Nice to meet you Song Min ho but i need to go now bye see ya around" i waved at him.

"Just call me Mino byeeee" he waved back.

I saw Yoongi standing outside of the car , i think he mad . I run to him and apologizing because i was late and he asked me how was my day today . Yoongi always care about me and he will do anything for me .

"Who the funk is Mino" Yoongi said.

"I just met him and he was nice to me though , I bumped into him so yea " I explained.

"Y/n remember you have a alien in uour life already so don't get another one " Yoongi sighed.

"I won't i promised " i pinky squares with Yoongi.

*Next morning*

"Bye Yoongi don't sleep too much okay " i hugged Yoongi.

"Okay oaky go " Yoongi said .

I was walking , i put my earphones on and listen to Senorita by Shawn mendes and Camila Cabello. I look down my shoes , why my shoe laces keep losing ughh . Someone tapped my shoulder and i stood up back i pulled my earphones out , it was Mino the guy i met yesterday.

"Hey Y/n remember me " he smiled.

"Of course Mino right?" I said.

"Yeah , i was thinking that if you are free to have lunch with me today " he asked .

"Sure meet me at the cafeteria , oh i have to go now see ya around " I smiled.


"ACTION!" I shouted.

"Please Maya you don't have to kill him we can solve this in a proper way please i beg you"

"You know what you can kill me then because I'm tired of everything "

"No I can't do that please"

"CUT!" I shouted.

"Jae Min be more emotional okay try to get emotional as fast as you could okay, everyone it's break time" I sighed.

I grabbed my back and my instax camera and leave the studio . Im so exhausted , i drink a mineral water and I rushed to the cafeteria, i saw Mino we're adjusting his camera.

"Hi there did you wait me that long ?" I kinda felt guilty.

"No i just sat here like 3minutes ago" Mino laughed.

Both of us spending time laughing,eating sharing some our activities and routine.


"Im going to meet Y/n today don't worry hyung i will remind her when i get there" i hung up .

This Yoongi really cares about Y/n so much . Y/n is lucky to have a friend like him.

I arrived at Y/n's university, i parked my car and truing to find her studio . She was not to be found, so I decided to go to the cafeteria . I saw Y/n with a guy ,who the funk is that guy talking to my girl .

"Y/n? " i tapped her shoulder.

"Oh Taehyung honeyyy" she hugged me kiss my neck .

"Miss me that much were in public " i smiled .

"Hi I'm Mino Y/n's friend " the guys Mino smiled.

"Hi I'm Kim Taehyung called me Taehyung I'm her boyfriend " i said while eyeing Mino.

"Honey please don't hang out with this guy "i whispered at her.

"What why he is nice " she said .

I saw him before honey

End of book 1

Note: tq for reading this book 1 of my first ever fanfiction and im sorry if my english is sucks and there is alot of grammar mistakes and i hipe you guys will wait the book 2

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