Ch.1 (Rewrite)

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It was Sunday night and the last night of Summer vacation for the teens of Beacon Hills, which included my brother Stiles and his best friend Scott. It was quiet, living in a small town like Beacon Hills that was a natural occurrence, we lived in a place where nothing ever really happened.

I was in my room finishing up a proposal for my job, I was a librarian at the local public library and I was trying to get funding to upgrade our 'Computer Lab' and filing system both of which were archaic, just then the house phone began to ring.

"Sheriff Stilinski?" I heard my father answer, it wasn't very often he was called at home for something, it must have been serious. "Ok, secure the scene I don't want anyone in or out... I'll be there shortly." My father hung up the phone and yelled something up the stairs about being back later.

I know how this sounds but I wasn't too concerned, like I mentioned before...nothing ever happens in this town. It was probably a B and E or domestic disturbance...we had a lot of those around here.

After my fathers sirens and lights faded into the distance was when the real 'action' started. Excited noises of my brother moving about his room, mumbling to himself or more then likely into his phone trying to get his best friend Scott to answer and agree to come with him.

Pretty soon I heard him exit his room and try his best to 'creep' past my room and down the hall towards the stairs, just as he passed my room I decided to confront him.

"Where are you off to Sti?" I asked, startling him and he spun around to face me.

"Heeeey Sis, What'sa- what's going on?" He asked trying is best to lean against the wall, running his had nervously across his buzz-cut.

"Stiles, you're so predictable...every time dad gets a call you listen in hoping for dead bodies or mob shootouts when you and I both know, it's probably just Mr.Duncan calling in about the Wolfman that lives in the woods behind his property stealing his sheep again."I sighed, exasperated.

"This time it's something good though, two joggers found a body in the woods" his eyes seemed to light up as he said that in a way that concerned me deeply. "Best part? It was only HALF a body, they're out searching for the other half as we speak. I was just going to pick up Scott and go out in?" He definitely needed therapy.

"Dad is going to kill us if he catches us out there Stiles." I tried to reason with him. "That being said I know you're going to go anyway so as your older sister I have a morale obligation." I sighed. "Let me grab a sweater."

After picking up Scott we headed out to the Beacon hills Preserve, the supposed location of the dead body, it was five minutes into this escapade and already I was regretting going along with all this.

"Just out of curiosity which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott asked posing a very valid question.

"Huh, I didn't even think about that." Stiles responded and I couldn't help but falter in my tracks slightly.

"And uh...what if whatever killed this person is still out here?" Scott posed yet another valid question, at this point I could tell these questions are more redundant since Stiles didn't seem to have thought any of this through.

"Also something I didn't think about" was his reply.

"It's comforting to know, that you planned this out with your usual attention to detail" Scott shot back sarcastically as we climbed up the small embankment, the asthmatic boy wheezing through the whole thing. "You know, maybe the sever asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?"

"Stiles, can you maybe slow down just a bit?" I chastised while stopping to stand next to Scott, concerned for him. "Maybe we should go back? Clearly we didn't think this through."

Once we reached the top of the embankment however we could see flashlights off in the distance and all three of us hit the ground, Stiles trying frantically to shut of his flashlight so as night to attract attention.

"Come on!" Stiles said returning to his feet and taking off in the direction of the lights and barking dogs.

"Stiles!" Scott exclaimed while taking another puff of his inhaler. "Wait up!"

I on the other hand stayed on the ground a second longer, shaking my head and asking myself why I had agreed to come out here in the first place, I should have shut this whole thing down before it started, now I was going to be the only twenty year old grounded for life by her father.

"Guys come on!" I muttered out harshly returning to my feet and racing off after them.

Stiles continued to race closer and closer, looking back time and again to make sure Scott and I were close behind, that proved to been a fatal mistake. The K-9 officer was on him in a instant, startling my brother half to death and causing him to fall back onto the ground.

"Stay right there!" The officer said holding the K-9 at the ready in case my brother tried to get back to his feet.

"Hang on, Hang on" I could hear the voice of my father proclaim and I pressed myself further into the tree I had taken shelter behind. "This little delinquent belongs to me"

"Dad, how are you doing?" Stiles tried to ask cooly while returning to his feet.

"So, do you listen in to all of my phone calls?" I heard my dad ask.

"No?" Stiles responded "Well, not the boring ones" I muffled my laughter.

"Where is your usual partner in crime?" Dad asked sweeping the woods with his flashlight, almost landing on the place Scott stood pressed up against the tree.

"Scott? Scotts home, said he wanted to get a good nights sleep for the first day back at school tomorrow. It's just the woods...alone" I had to cringe at the way Stiles had said it, even I didn't believe him, there was no way in hell my dad would.

"Scott? You out there? Scott?" My dad yelled once again running his flashlight along the tree line, I heard him sigh once he dropped the light back down to his side. "Well young man, I'm going to walk you back to your car, then you and I are going to have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy" I heard their voices trail off as their figures faded into the dark woods surrounding us.

This was just great, what the hell were we going to do now? I made my way over to Scott who still stood there stiffly against the tree.

"You alright to walk this far Scotty?" I asked the severe asthmatic who was still wheezing even after taking a hit off his inhaler not two minutes ago. "We're on our own now, gotta make it to a road it'll be easier to find our way back after that." He nodded and we started the long trek back to civilization.

We hadn't even made it thirty feet when the ominous sounds around us caused us both to slow down, birds took flight suddenly and further up ahead of us the woods seemed to take on a eerie calm. I slammed into Scotts back not noticing he had come to a complete stop.

"What's up?" I asked as he shook his inhaler ready to take another hit off it, he was just about to respond when out of nowhere a stampede of deer rained down on us.

We both fell back, Scott somewhat on top of me as we both tried our best to protect ourselves from being trampled. As fast as it had began it was over, Scott and I both managing to make it back to our feet still bewildered by the recent events. I began to brush the leaves from my sweater and pull stray ones from my hair, meanwhile Scott began to mess with his phone.

"You drop something?" I asked as he began to use his phone to light the forest floor.

"Yeah, my inhaler" he responded.

I looked up just in time to see his phones light sweep across the mutilated upper half of a females nude body, no doubt the other half of the dead body we had come out here to find. Scott freaked, stumbling back and falling down the nearby embankment.

I ran up trying to get a eye on him, to make sure he hadn't cracked his skull open or anything. There he was tumbling back to his feet not ten feet down the small embankment, resting against a downed tree and trying to regain his bearings.

"Jesus Scott, you ok?" I asked.

"I think so" just as he responded I heard a low growl and looked over in time to see something lunge for Scott, he fought trying to push away and get to his hands and knees but it kept him pinned down and then bit him.

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