2 - More Random Questions

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What's your favourite ship?

Any advice for Gabriel?

Do you think...?

1.) Gabriel will succeed and bring Emilie back? Why or why not?

2.) Adrien and Marinette will know each other's identities?

Here's my theory...

I think that before Adrien and Marinette find out each other's identities, Marinette will convince herself that she does like Luka.

She'll be battling on who to choose - Adrien or Luka. But then she's going to tell herself that Adrien already has Kagami, and will never like her, so she moves on from Adrien.

I think it'll be so close for her to confess to Luka, but then she'll find out that Adrien is Chat Noir and put the pieces together.

Who do you think will find each other's identity first?

1.) Adrien?

2.) Marinette?

Why do you think...

Adrien and Marinette are so dense?

Their parents don't hear them when they yell "Tikki, spots on!", and "Plagg, claws out!"?

Alya and Nino haven't started trying to find out who Ladybug and Chat Noir are?

Lila wants Adrien so bad?

They don't show Chloe hating on Lila? I mean, they're going for the same boy, so...

Kagami is trying to make Marinette jealous by kissing Adrien on the cheeks. I mean, Kagami and Marinette barely know each other, so just why?...

Adrien is so blind to see that Marinette has got a crush on him?

Do you think Chloe and Marinette make a great team in trying to bring Kagami down?

Alright, get chattin'

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