1.0/Meeting the System

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A young man was standing on the edge of a cliff, looking down at the area below. He couldn't see anything, all he could see was the darkness of the shadows created by the trees. The moon held high over his head, shining some light on the shadows around him. His violet purple eyes shined brightly while facing the moon.

A smile plastered on his face that made him look ever so gentle. His jade-white skin, added with the light of the moon shined beautifully.

He loved the moon, his mother would always sing lullabies to him every full moon. Oh how he missed the days of joy and laughter.

But those days are sadly gone, his mother is gone. As for his father...he could care less for that heartless man. The rest of the family only wanted him for the money that he inherited. Honestly speaking, he never felt even an ounce of real love ever since his mother died.

Having no one to care for him made him feel depressed. By the time he reached college he didn't have a single friend by his side.

Not to mention all the work and projects he had to complete. The late nights of studying. No one to help him with work. All of this made him even more depressed.

The only thing he ever succeeded at was scoring top of the class.

This matter made him overjoyed, but soon enough he was faced with bullying. Some of his classmates would bully him to do their projects and work. Some even threatened to beat him till he is close to death! This made him lose his hope in making friends.

He had to endure so much of this, for what? Nothing, he endured it for nothing.

Today is the day he graduated from college. Today is the day he will finally do what he always wanted!


He had finally decided to give up on life! What's the point if you have no friends to help you? No one to care for you. All this had flooded his mind every single day.

Being able to die was always a dream of his ever since he joined college. Now he could actually do it.

Slowly he placed his foot on nothing but thin air. Slowly leaning his body forward. Ready to fall to his death.

Feeling the rushing air as he plummeted, the feeling of the cold night air was a wonderful feeling to him. The coldness of the air sent shivers down his spine. He closed his eyes as he soon enough, was hit with the thick branches of the trees.

The noise of branches breaking filled his ears. The pain hit him like a slap to the face...literally.

He knew he was just about to hit the ground.

He finally landed with a loud 'thump' on the ground. Feeling the pain rush threw his body, this feeling was something he was used to. Only this time the pain hit him harder then an iron frying pan on the head.

He slowly closed his eyes once again, happy that he could finally leave this hell we call life. His soul soon left his body. Leaving the bittersweet world behind.

There was a white room, with a rocking chair as it's only furniture and decoration. The rocking chair slowly rocked back and forth to a sweet humming sound. The sound of humming came from a young looking woman who was wearing a simple white flowy dress.

She had beautiful and shiny, long blonde wavy hair. Jade-white skin that looked as though it hardly got any sunlight.

Her long eyelashes fluttered as she opened her eyes, revealing beautiful emerald green orbs that were a void of emotion. Her lips were a cherry blossom pink.

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