Chapter 10 : Unhappy

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3rd person pov

"you don't have to go that far, just to have what you want" Jimin said

"then do what I say... just think of this, do you think you know my son well? you just met him for only few months and if he's really serious about you he should've introduce you to us, like his previous lover " Min Jun replied

"I may not know your son well, I may not be able to control the things people say and do to me but I can decide not to be reduced by them, I don't know you well so I won't take the things you say personally, so thank you for your time"

Jimin stood up and left


After that, Jimin came home to his town to visit his family especially for her mother

Jimin knocked on the door and someone opened the door

"oh, jimin miss me already?" Jimin's  mother said

Seo-jun, male omega

"yeah, I just wanna visit you" Jimin said and smiled

"aw, my son is so sweet~" Seo-jun hugged his son genuinely as he pat Jimin's head

Jimin pulled away from the hug and asked "mom, is there something strange when you're outside the house?"

"ahm, yeah lately it feels like someone was following me but I think its just my imagination?"

"mom, be careful if you're going outside or don't go if its not necessary okay?"

Seo-jun gave a soft smiled but also confused "you just got here, what are you talking about?"

"just be careful"Jimin said with  a worried expression

"alright but let's go inside first"


Both of them sat on the sofa "so, let me get you something to eat first---?"

"mom, I really don't want you to know about this but of course this is also for you, remember Yoongi right?" Jimin asked, cutting off his mother

"yeah the one you said your pair, right?"

"yeah..., what do you think about him?"

"aw, baby how would I know we didn't even meet yet, though you should've invited him last new year's eve instead of seeing each other in secret" Seo-jun said while nodding

Jimin was shocked "HUH?! HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT?"

"you guys are just literally right in front of the gate" Seo-jun said with a plain face

"oh, right"

"hmm? what's the matter?"

"I met his father yesterday, he told me that he'll get you involved or something If I still continue to be with Yoongi"

Seo-jun gave a sighed "do they have to go this far?"

"that's what I'm thinking, he made me confused by saying 'what if he's just playing with you?'   something like that, he also knew about what happened to you and my biological father.... I'm worried" Jimin expalined

"you know you just have to do one thing" Seo-jun suggested 

"what is it?"

"keep your distance from Yoongi"

"but mom I can't--"

"wait hold on it's not what you're thinking, In order to know if Yoongi's really serious about you honey, try to force him leave you and if he insist to stay then that's it, this is about you and Yoongi, not to satisfy his father"

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