Well, my hands are always cold.
It's funny, isn't it?
My hands and feet are always cold.
But I wish I could hold your hand for so long that even if your hands are cold as well we could warm each other up.
That's what I wish.
I wish we could cuddle under the covers and have our feet touch while we watch a sweet movie.
Maybe Titanic.
Something romantic anyway.
I'd love to eat ice cream while doing that as well.
Maybe that's not the best for my cold hands.
But at least I'd know you'd be there to warm them up with your own hands and maybe kisses.
But that's a faraway dream.
I wish it wasn't.
I wish it was all true, happening right now.
How lucky would I be then?
Lucky enough to be by your side?
That's it.
I'd be lucky enough to be by your side.
But I seem to have bad luck.
I haven't seen any four leaf clovers in years.
Maybe it's just because all my luck is in you.
And what I have to do to get to it—well, maybe it's something to figure out together.
But now—
I'll just stay and swoon as you compliment me. As if your compliments are true.
It's wonderful really.
I feel butterflies in my stomach, and happiness bubble up inside of me.
Some happiness I haven't had in a long, long time.
You affect me, love.
And I love every moment of it.