Chapter 6 - Woods

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Here's Chapter 6! I'll try to have Chapter 7 up ASAP! Please vote and comment as always. It always makes my day to see what you guys have to say!!! <3

Every chapter I listen to the song Running Up That Hill by Placebo to get me in the mood to write. It definitely fits the theme and feel of the entire thing. Check it out :)



"Gregory are you there?" 

Silence answered me back. I looked around my room but he wasn't appearing. I shut my eyes in disappointment and crawled back into bed.

"I promise I won't hurt you. I want to help you, but I need your help too." I said out loud, immediately feeling seven kinds of crazy for talking to my ceiling. "I'm here for you, Gregory. We have a lot in common. I can help."

I drifted off into a broken sleep after some time. My dreams were odd and about nothing in particular at first. I dreamt of sitting at the table with the rest of the boys eating pizza and laughing. Then it started to get more and more complex. I saw Gregory in my bedroom standing at the end of my bed with dark rimmed eyes, looking sad and forlorn. I asked him what was wrong and he led me into the hallway. He stopped and turned towards the end of the hallway. I watched him walk down and then stop suddenly, slightly turning to Scar's room at the end. I ran after him as he went into the bedroom and right towards the window. He stood and pointed without looking back at me again. He just stood there and waited until I came up behind him. He was pointing towards the woods.

I leaned down and whispered. "What's out there, Gregory?" 


I woke up with a start and took in a sharp breath before pulling the blankets up over my neck. My room was three times colder than it was only right before I fell asleep. "What do you want me to do?" I whispered out loud, but I got no response.


I crept around the dining room as I watched Mute and Awful start to build a bonfire. I wasn't supposed to go outside because of how sick I was, but the light from the fire would make it so much easier to see what was in the woods. I'd only been in far enough to where I could still see the house in the distance. There was no telling what was out there. 

"Don't even think about it!" Mrs. H's birdlike voice was serious. I turned to see her coming into the dim dining room with her hand on her hip and a finger in the air. "We don't want you getting even more ill!"

"Yes, ma'am. I understand." I said. What a two-faced bitch. Whether she really liked me or not she was still helping that bastard use me up. 

"Alright, sweetheart. Wait..." Her eyes narrowed at my cheek and my heart fell. "What happened to your face?"

"Specks and I..." I could ruin everything for Specks right in this moment. In any other home I woudln't waste a second to get someone unpleasant removed from my life, but Blue loved him. I cared about Blue. I couldn't do that to him. "We were play fighting...he hit me by accident. It's not big deal. Doesn't even hurt."

She brought an icy hand up to my cheek and made a pouty face. "Okay, Lightsy. Just ask Claudette if you need anything!" She left the room and I saw Scar standing in the living room with a dumb smile on his face.

"Lightsy-kins you coming to the fire?" He said in a baby babble voice. I rolled my eyes visciously at him. 

"Burst into flames, asshole." I exited the room before he could respond and started into the second living room where the bookcase was. I picked something out to "read", or at least until Claudette and Rose went to bed. Then I could sneak out and join the rest of the boys.

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