Monkey In The Middle Gone Wrong

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This page contains the mention of blood!
Read at your own risk.

Six years old and so far so good. Kind of. For the most part. Do you have siblings reader? I do, five of them. Two older, three younger. I only had my two older brothers at the time though. The idiots.
Have you ever played monkey in the middle? I absolutely hate that game. My brothers were always trapping me in it. It didn't help that I was always so short (still am considering my family is made up of skyscrapers, I'm 5'3 1/2") and they were always so tall. Again, not my game.

I was just sitting in the dining room eating breakfast and minding my own business when I heard giggling coming from the family room.
Mind you we had the ugliest teal-gray wraparound couch in history, a creeky rocking chair that barely rocked and the ugliest faded fake flowers that gathered the most dust in one day.
My brothers were huddled together on the couch trying to be quiet considering dad was just down the hall trying to sleep after being at work all night. They weren't doing a very good job. I decide to continue to ignore them. Until I heard something I didn't like and decided to interfere.

My brothers can be real jerks when they want to be. Especially in this moment.
They were messing around with one of those magnetic writing pads with the detachable pen and sidebar eraser you know?
Anyway, my younger older brother, lets call him Zeke, can be the biggest jerk on the planet. He suddenly decides that it would be funny to make me think he wrote a cuss word on it. Me being the stupid naive little girl that I was, believed him.

So there I am chasing after them, trying to get them to calm down and drop the pad. Really, what can I do as a six-year-old with two teenage brothers?
After running around for a bit we somehow end up in monkey in the middle formation. The jerks they were back then decide to take this grand opportunity and start playing.
So they start flinging the pad back and forth.
This has been going on for a few minutes when suddenly my brother 'Zeke' throws it the same time I jump for it. Next thing I know, my head is being whipped to the side and I'm seeing red. Literally. So naturally I start screaming thus waking up dad.
I will never forget the look on his face the second he laid his eyes on me. Shock. I could just see him thinking "this is what I have to wake up to?". Then he runs over, picks me up and takes me to the bathroom.

The second I look in the mirror, the screaming increases. I thought I was seeing Bloody Mary. Turns out it was just me. With a pretty good sized gash right above my right eyebrow. Literally on the hairline. So not only do I have blood gushing down my face, I have a scar worthy gash.
That's when mom comes home. When she sees me, she literally just grabs a towel, picks me up and runs to the car.

We hadn't really been waiting long when the doctor saw us. One look at me followed by some poking and he left. Returning with medical super glue (Is that a thing or is it just super glue?). I didn't even need stitches.
All he did was clean it, spray it with antibacterial spray, put on the super glue and a bandage and we were done!

As for my brothers. They were grounded for the next month.


I'm sorry about all the gory chapters. I'll try to put something light-hearted in the next three.


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