Babysitting Is Safe - 33

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"Whatever... Tord's aggressive mood swings won't be stopping me!" I huffed and got up, opening the door in response to knocking. "Hi Tom!" Paul cheered kindly, looking down at me. "Oh hey, do you know why Tord had to go...?" I questions sadly, he opened his eye and looked to the side. "Ah, no idea!"

"He suddenly left and seemed upset or focused." I explained a little more, trying to get Paul's concern on my side. "He's a busy man Tom, what can I say?" Paul jeered at the fact he thought his son was lazy. He wasn't wrong though, Tord really is busy. "Whatever, I just ask that you don't babysit me right now."

"Why not?" The man with the eye-patch sat on our bad, silently telling me that he's here to stay. "Because I like being alone..." I mumbled, I wasn't ready to deal with his shitty dad jokes. "So you can do what though?" Why is he interviewing me like this?! "So I can relax Jesus Christ!" I pouted a bit in a fit of anger.

"Why can't you relax while I'm around Tom? Are you hiding something?" Paul snickered. "Don't try and turn this back onto me! I didn't do shit, and meanwhile you're just trying to avoid answering my questions!" I retorted angrily, I didn't mean to though. "Aren't you doing the same thing Thomas?" Oh no.

"What's with you Norwegians and using full names?!" I stammered, for some reason the different tone using a full name had made me uncomfortable. "I don't know Thomas Rockwell!" Paul nudged me playfully, I just grunted. "I don't like that." I told him bluntly in hopes he'd understand it.

"Oh is that your kink I'm so sorry Tom." He quickly blushed and stopped. Why though?! "I mean if it gets you to stop then sure." I mumbled, confused. "Wow really? You don't know what a kink is? If you did you wouldn't have said what you just said." Paul chuckled and pat my back like a dad would. Or at least I think one would.

"I don't know but I'm not sure I want to know?" I asked yet stated, Paul sat up straight and prepared himself for his own speech. "A kink is something you find pleasant, but typically in a very arousing way." He proudly remarked, I'm still so confused and lost. "I find it pleasant but uncomfortable."

"Well you find it uncomfortable because it makes you embarrassed." What has this conversation turned in to? "Well yea I guess so?!" I responded, getting hyper. "Because you're a tsundere." Paul smiled widely as I face-palmed, I had every reason to so you can't blame me I don't think. Like what is my life right now? 911?

"911, ambulances have arrived at a local park after 3 people were shot to death, 2 in critical state and one already dead." The TV blared out, standing out to the two in the bedroom. "Oh my god..." I mumbled, Paul just looked very nervous. "Is Tord okay? I'm calling him to see how things went." He picked up his phone and left the room, I sat and thought about the incident.

I realized the situation I was in a little better, I suppose. Murderers are on the loose while I sit here all alone in my room, living in some communist's house. I'm really in a danger zone if you ask me. I don't want to die this way, not with the guilt of not knowing whether or not my boyfriend is okay. I feel like this is my fault.

I'll just wait for Paul to get back I guess. Oh god I talk so much in my head when I'm nervous. I need to get out of here.

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