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"Keep running!" I heard Nick shout from behind me as I pulled Dana along.

I looked behind me and saw Nick fighting off two of the zombies while more of them were approaching.

"We can't leave Nick behind!" Dana tugged at my hand but I refused to stop and just kept on dragging her through the tall grass.

"He's made his choice Dana, if we come back for him all three of us will die" I said bluntly, I know I'm being very rough but its either we die or we don't.

Suddenly Dana stopped and I almost stumbled by her sudden action. I looked at her and she sat down on huge rock. We were already pretty far from the zombies but I still feel like we were still in danger.

I sat down too and my eyes met her brown eyes. She was crying. Tears flowed down her face in a steady stream. I also felt like crying. But I can't let my little sister see me crying. I have to protect her.

"W-we left him." she stuttered. "We let him die!"

"He might not be dead you know" I muttered. I patted her at her back until she stopped sobbing.

"You're right... He's still alive. He has to be." with that she stood up and straightened her jacket and put on her backpack.

I nodded and we continued on. We really don't know where to go. It's only been two weeks since the first people turned but the virus has already spread worldwide. The virus infects by body fluids such as saliva and blood. Those who are bitten dies immediately and wakes up as a monster.

Me and Dana came from the city. I was at school when it happened. Classes were ended early and students were evacuated into the gymnasium. At first everything was fine. But of course they got in. It was a pandemonium. A lot of my schoolmates were bitten right in front of me. I saw them turn into flesh-eating monsters. As soon as I got the chance, I escaped with Nick. After getting out of the school we headed to my little sister's school and found Dana holed up in a classroom. We tried going to our homes to find our families but they were gone. After that we sort of just escaped the city and away from the horrifying things.

A few hours walking beside the road hoping to see a car driving away from the city, Dana and I arrived in front of a house. It was small with no second floor and only a single bedroom.
We decided that we would rest here for the night.

I let Dana sleep in the bedroom and as she fell asleep I started to search the house for items we can use. The house was vacant, the person that lived in the house probably left in a hurry as the house was in a lot of mess. I found some food for us and other things like batteries.

While searching the cabinets on the living room I found a radio. "Lucky" I muttered to myself. It was radio that uses batteries which I luckily have.

I hastily turned it on and tried to get a channel. After a minute of turning the knobs and dials and only getting static noise, I finally heard something.

Residents---chroville-----evacua-to Fort Rothford---reside---

And then it went back to static. I scrambled to try and get that station again but it didn't work. I shifted in the chair and heaved a deep sigh.

Fort Rothford huh? It's a military outpost which is not so far away from where we are right now. Maybe a day by foot and a few hours when we drive. But we don't have a car and we definitely don't know how to drive.

The house was completely dark as soon as the sun set. Electricity was cut off as soon as the government has fallen about a week ago. I locked up the windows and doors and curled up on the sofa to sleep. As if my world isn't terrible enough, as I fell asleep nightmares plagued me.

I woke up at the crack of dawn and checked up on Dana. She's still asleep and I went back to the living room to sort out our supplies. I picked up two canned meat and I put one on the table for Dana while I opened the other one for me to eat.

Suddenly I got this itchy feeling on my nose and I sneezed. I ignored it as I continued eating the greasy meat. But the sneezing didn't stop and a horrible thought occurred to me, I'm infected.

I suddenly remembered that three months ago I had a vaccine for the flu. Almost everyone in our school got the shot while I was delayed in getting the vaccine because I was sick at the time. When I was well again my mom made me take the shot. That's what everyone who became the first zombies had in common, the flu shot. 

I steeled myself and threw the can of meat into the trashcan and ran into bathroom. I locked the door behind me and sat down on the tub. I have already started sweating profusely and my hand are shaking.

I must have caused a racket as I heard Dana's light footsteps go out of the bedroom and approached the bathroom door. "What's wrong?" She called out.

I was still sneezing as I replied. "Dana, listen to me. You have to go Fort Rothford. You remember that place right?

" Yes, but aren't you coming too? "She said, worry lacing her voice as if she was afraid of being alone.

I bit my lip." I'm so sorry Dana, I can't come with you right now"

"What do you mean?" her voice trembled as if she's about to cry.

Suddenly a sharp pain in my head caused me to scream in pain and Dana banged on the door calling for my name.

As the pain subsided and weakened into a slow throb. "Dana, mom might be at the Fort. I want you to go there" I sneezed.

"Don't worry about me, I'll catch up as soon as I get better."

"I'm not going anywhere without you!" She is definitely crying now.

"You have to alright? I just need to rest for awhile."

Without warning, pain wracked my whole body. My body is on fire. Unimaginable pain engulfed me and I can't even scream. I can't move and a dark red screen covered my eyes. The only thought I could register was that I wanted to die to escape the pain.

"BLAAAAKE!" was the last thing that I registered as I surrendered to the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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