Chapter 1 -Online Encounter

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         The nights suddenly seemed longer; the environment seemed quieter than usual as Myles laid on his bed while surfing a dating site his friend recommended to him on his MacBook. He let out a deep breath while slowly shutting his eyes, finally falling asleep soundly, with one leg on the floor and the other up against the wall, not distracted from even the non-edible dribble running down from the corner of his mouth. Morning finally came, awoke he prepared for school,packing his laptop without watching for any notifications with his usual blue and black bag pack with stripes on the side of his right shoulder as he closed the front door shut,breakfast wasn't important to him because he always grabbed something to eat on the way. Jared's parents were hardly ever home, constant business trips and international meetings, which led to him always being home alone but that didn't seem to bother him one bit," Could you drive any slower?" he said annoyingly underneath his breath,usually around the time of the morning the traffic is always hectic. He finally got to College on time and parked his Black and Blue Ninja Kawasaki 650. Already annoyed before the day could even start, walking in the corridors of the college he felt a slight bump on his head," Could you watch the fuck where you guys are hanging that?" as he opened his eyes slowly, "Sorry man, won't happen again," a young freshman replied above him. Myles always kept to himself after the breakup a couple months ago,which ended terribly. He roamed the hallway while on his way to his first class for the day, he often caught the eye of a lot of women on and off campus. It would probably be due to the chiseled jawline and curly hair,it also complimented his dimple on his chin but that would not stop him from always saying hello with his bright smile,although he was still hurt inside from his last relationship, he would never show his emotions as much. He never did any sports but had the body of someone who worked out. 

   He waited for the end of the day and finally got home, with his favorite Supreme pizza he picked up at Dominos, he turned on his laptop,"Alrighty lets see what's on Netflix tonight." After a few hours he fell asleep with half a box of pizza left, he woke up due to the sounds of notifications coming from his Mac. He opened it to see what it was all about,he saw he had a match with someone from that dating site but he paid no mind to it and just went back to sleep. "Oh shit,that's the time already!?, he forgot he had laundry to do,which is every Saturday and started to stare at the laptop the entire time. After finishing up he sat in-front the laptop wondering if he should do something about the match, Myles is very cautious and will tries to avoid relationships as much as possible. This site did not disclose much information so that seemed pretty good if no one could see what he looked like, "I won't hear the end of it if I don't try it out",he muttered to himself.

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