Chapter 9

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*Damien's POV*

I slowed my walking until I was at a complete stop.


"Yes, Damien?", he asked turning around.

"What's on your neck?"

His smile instantly disappeared.

"I...don't know what you're talking about...", then he turned around and continued to walk on, but a little faster then a walk.

"Your a bad liar, you know that Pip?", I asked catching up to him, and grabbed the back of his shirt collar. "Don't play fucking dumb with me."

I pulled his collar down a little to examine the bruises better, but they weren't just bruises.

They were hickeys.

My heart crumbled into a thousand pieces, and millions of questions were swarming my mind.

I placed my hand on Pip's neck without thinking really, and he pulled away.

He also looked a bit ashamed, but I wasn't gonna gave him any sympathy.

"Who the hell gave you those!?", I yelled, completely in rage.

"Please don't be upset Damien, I-"

"Answer my questions and I won't be.", I said sounding a bit more calmer

A part of me was furious, but the other part of me was completely broken-hearted.

"Like I said before, who the hell gave you those!?"

Pip then looked to the ground. He looked like he was going to cry, but I couldn't care less at the moment.


[Surprised? Yeah, I wanted to take Cartman and Kyle out of the, "I'm the bad guy" {DUH! Lol, Billie Eillis anyone?} area, cuz there kind of isn't supposed to be one. And if I did Kenny, {which was probably what most of you expected} then all of the Bunny fans would sue me in the comments, so Stan was my best bet.]

I was surprised.

I wasn't really expecting him since I didn't think he would even do anything to Pip...

But that also lead to a question that I've been dreading to ask.

"So, does that mean you guys are..."

"Oh no, we aren't dating, I actually don't even like him like that."

Some of the pieces of my heart came back together a little, and it took everything in me not to sigh out loud in relief.

"But if you aren't dating him, then why would he do that to you?"

He hesitated again, and looked back to the floor.

He mumbled his answer, to point were it could of been a whisper.

I got a bit upset again without meaning to.

"Pip, tell me why he did that to you, NOW!

"He was drunk, and he raped me, ok?!"

My eyes went wide.

"You were raped?"

Pip slowly nodded, and continued to stare at the ground, but tears were falling out of his eyes on to the floor.

He was crying.

My gaze softened a little, but then I felt awful.

I was yelling at not only my one and only friend, but also my crush when he had no right or reason to be yelled at.

"One Kiss is all it Takes"~(South Park Dip story){Currently being Rewritten!}Where stories live. Discover now