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Bonjour bitches

As y'all can see, I've decided to rewrite this book and I'll be continuing it past the chapters already published.

I literally forgot this book existed and when I eventually remembered to about it it had fuckin 850 reads like
wha t the fu ck materinos

Anyways, enjoy this slightly better version of the first chapter :)

Ftr I'm rewriting this chapter
7th April 2020

"Y/n, I'm getting impatient!" My sister Miya screamed at me through the bathroom door. "You're wasting time fixing your ugly ass face when you still need to pack! We have twenty goddamn minutes until we need to leave!"

My sister Miya was a complete asshole at most times, but I was still obligated to love her because, you know, she's my sister. Sometimes I wish she wasn't. We were getting ready to go to LA, and I was hogging the only bathroom. Miya knocked on the door and screeched slightly. I sighed deeply. She was hard to put up with.

"Miya, I'm literally a mess. I'm not leaving this bathroom until my hair isn't trash." I calmly reply, praying she doesn't start screaming at me again.

Ever since our mum died 4 years ago, Miya's been having temper tantrums, even though she's 18. For such an age you'd expect her to be able to refrain from stomping her feet and whining like a baby, but she's still a petulant little brat inside. Even after such a long period of time, she's still hasn't emotionally moved on.

"Miya, leave her alone, you hypocrite, you haven't even packed and your face also looks like shit. Try getting a foundation that matches one of your two faces next time, and maybe don't wear that colour lipstick ever again. Burn it, even." My brother jay fought with Miya even more than I did. He hated mum, though after all these years I'm still not sure why.

"Jay, shut your dumb mouth!"

"What are you, Miya, a year 5 kid? You're gonna need more than those playground insults if you're even thinking about coming for me, bitch."

I was way too used to this by now, actually, fighting was probably the only thing they knew how to do. Jay was only 14, but he was just as, if not more, sharp-tongued than my sister.

I opened the bathroom door and watched as they threw insults ruthlessly. I was beginning to get a headache, so I decided that stopping the two babies would be the best idea.

"GUYS! Shut up! What did we promise?" I finally speak up. They groan in unison, Clearly disagreeing with our decision.

"No arguing while we're in LA." They both sigh.

"Thank you. Now, I need to finish packing." I shove past Miya and smile at jay before continuing into my small bedroom.


"-and then they said my hair looked like straw! Does my hair look like straw? Actually, don't answer that. But, like, I am so done with them! I can't believe they ACTUALLY believed Casey! What a bitch!" Miya finished her hour long rant about how her partner broke up with her. To be honest, I don't understand why they were with her in the first place.

"Miya, you seriously need to shut the fuck up. Raven was an ass and they didn't deserve you! You're fierce as fuck and no, your hair doesn't look like straw, so stop moping about them and move on!" Jay enthusiastically said, moving his hands around emphatically.

The airport was about 10 minutes away. Thank god I'd only have to put up with Miya's whining and Jay's ted talks for a little longer. I had my AirPods in and was sat in the back while Miya drove. My sanity was at an all time low.


"Yaaaayyyyy! That car journey was like, 12 hours!" Miya practically jumps in her seat as she claps. We finally made it to the airport after a painfully long journey. It wasn't even over yet, we still had a plane trip and a car trip to our hotel. I honestly have no idea how I'll put up with my crazy siblings until then.

Before catching our flight, we stopped at a McDonald's. Whilst it was unhealthy, it was also the best damn thing in the world. In the uk, we don't have nearly as many fast food places as they do in the US, things like maccies and Burger King and Pizza Hut were all we had.

Miya claimed she was on a diet so she only got some small fries, but jay and I went all out in the food department.

"Oh my god, you pigs." Miya laughed as jay and I shoveled fat into our mouths, occasionally taking a sip of our drinks.

"Says the cow" jay retaliated playfully.

"Can you two farm animals promise to not fight on the plane? I don't know how much more of Miya's voice I can take before I break down."

Jay and Miya both laugh and sarcastically promise not to argue. God, this was gonna be a long flight.

849 words

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