Part 1

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Trinity was sleping one night when she felt a strong urge. her throat was dry, her breath smelt bad and her heart was aching. "wat is this feeling?" she thot. she then went back to slep and dreamt about something.
a couple of days passed by and then she passed out. she woke up in de hospital where there wus a doctor
"u buttfaec u almost die of dehydration" doc sed
"wut the fooj is that?" trin sed
the doc give trin a cup of clear jiggly and told trin to put it in her mouth
" wut"
trin put it in but it feell out
"wheat the fac"
"oh my dong" doc sed
doc demosntrated how to put it in ur miuth
"oh so u have to close ur mouth" trin thot
trin did the thing and it felt a lil weird
now swallow"
"oh my god its now a part if me"
"wtf" doc left
trin nknew then and there that she neded this jiggly thing to live . she loved it but didnt know his name
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