Chapter four; recovery

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sebastians P.OV

One moment I was washing my hands and the next I heard a big thud followed by y/n screaming. I ran out of the bathroom to see her at the bottom of the stairs sprawled out, her arm bent a way that made me cringe. I noticed one of Mateo's toys at the top of the stairs. omg she tripped over it?! I took my phone and ran down the stairs and checked her pulse. she was still breathing thank god. I called the ambulance and told them what happened "my girlfriend fell down the stairs my address is-" I still couldn't believe the word. girlfriend. they said they would be there as fast as they could and I hung up. I held
y/n's hand. "don't worry y/n the ambulance is on it's way. just stay with me, stay with me babygirl" I was hugging and squeezing her she's not going to answer you idiot, so I just held her in my arms and told her it would be okay.

You wake up with the lights too bright and you couldn't move your arm.

YOU: Help, please.

Your voice was hoarse, you must have been screaming. then the painful memory comes back. you look at your arm and it's in a cast. there is an iv hooked up to your other arm.

YOUR MOM: Omg honey you're awake.

she's crying, so is your dad. it makes you cry as well. someone grabs your hand from the other side, it hurts but you turn your head. and you see Sebastian. You try to sit up but you just fall back down on the bed.

YOUR DAD: Don't move, you'll make it worse

You nod and try and relax into the hospital bed. you look up at seb and smile weakly squeezing his hand. he gives you a sad smile and does circles with his thumb on your hand.

YOU: So what's the bad news...?

Your mom sighs and turns around to look out the window. your dad sits on the chair by the bed, you face him.

YOUR DAD: It's called gastroesophageal reflux, it's basically why you were throwing up and you felt dizzy. it's treatable with surgery though, but they won't do it until your broken arm is healed. you also got a concussion from the stairs. Sebastian sure did a number on you.

YOU: It was not sebastian's fault at all, don't blame him dad.

YOUR DAD: I'm just joking sweetie, you should get some rest, we'll give you two a minute.

Your parents leave the room and you look at Sebastian.

YOU: What did you tell them about us

Sebastian gets in his knees so he's eye level with you.

SEBASTIAN: I told them that I would never do anything to hurt you.

YOU: I'm sorry, i should have listened to you,

you start to tear up, which only makes you even more tired.

sebastian nods his head and kisses your cheek gently. You sigh and relax into the pillows. you were exhausted. and the way seb looked at you made your stomach do backflips. you could feel sleep claiming you as your eyelids were starting to shut. you tried to force them open.

SEBASTIAN: don't y/n you need the rest. I promise I will text you everyday you're here. I'll visit every second day if I have to. just sleep

YOU: ok but-

You close your eyes and relax a little, before Sebastian leaves he kisses your forehead and whispers in your ear.

SEBASTIAN: I think I might love you. I know it's crazy but seeing you hurt like that- I-

Sebastian sighs out of words to say but before you can respond sleep claims you.


when you wake up it's dark and you're alone in the room. since you slept through the day you are no longer tired. just weak. your phone was left in your hand so you pick it up. it's 1:30? you think. you sigh and decide to text sebastian anyway.

              ~TEXT MESSAGE~
YOU: hey... I heard what you said earlier today, and I don't expect you to answer but Sebastian I really like you as well... like we did meet recently but i feel so much happier when im with you and... yeah

SEBBY💓: I just meet you. Wth. that kiss meant nothing to me

YOU: Umm, you're the one who said it first and I felt the same way...maybe I was mistaken

SEBBY💗: uh yeah because I didn't say anything to you. Maybe we should just stop talking.

You jolt up out of bed and wince at the pain. It' was just a dream. You sigh and lay back down into the pillows. There is no way you can say anything to seb now. The best thing to do I to pretend I didn't hear anything you think to yourself. That means no texting him or asking about anything. Sure we kissed...but maybe he was just feeling bad or something you think to yourself. ***

The next morning when you wake up the next morning the pain starts to actually kick in. mostly with your arm though. You open your eyes to see your mom holding a bag. you look up at her in question.

YOU: what's that for?

YOUR MOM: you get to come home! no more smelly hospital or anything!

she smiles at you and so does your dad, but you can't help but feel worried.

YOU: what happens if I throw up again?

DAD: we're supposed to call the ambulance right away and they will come get you, y/n I promise you will be okay.

you nod to him as they both help you stand. at least I can walk you think to yourself on the elevator down.


When you arrive home there are flowers on the doorstep with a note, so you head upstairs and open it up smiling.

"I heard you were coming home today, I'm in L.A with Oliver, but I'll make sure to see you when I get back. love, Sebastian"

you cradle the note to your chest and sigh. He was just, perfect. You set the flowers on your desk and decide to text him.


YOU: Hey I just got your flowers, they're so beautiful, tysm

you set your phone down just for it to ding.


SEBBY💓: you're welcome. there is probably something I should tell you...

YOU: What is it?

you start to worry, does he want to stay in L.A? I don't even know our own relationship!! are we dating orrrr...

SEBBY💓: you see, the Moy Army is very strong...and well they've found out who you are, and how we're really close friends.

YOU: friends?

SEBBY💓: Well I don't exactly want to tell them we're dating, they'll blow you up with texts. have you checked your insta lately??

YOU: Hold on.

As you check it you see you have been added to a whole bunch of random group chats to do with the Moy Army. and random fan pages had followed you and texted you privately. some of the texts were nice things like, "WOW youre so pretty" and others where mean like, "Sebastian is still Dylans. BACK OFF!" You we're shocked at all the fame you've gotten, and it was giving you anxiety.


SEBBY💓: did you see?

YOU: uhmmm, yeah. It's weird, and kind of scary.

SEBBY💓: I'm sorry y/n, want me to tell
Them to take it easy?

YOU: umm no, it's fine 🙂

You set your phone down and take a breather. He said girlfriend. You clamp you hand over your mouth to stop yourself from laughing. How did I not notice? You think to yourself. As soon as he comes back from L.A you'll talk to him, figure this whole thing out. But of course you had your injuries to deal with, before school started. You sigh as you try and stand again, no use. And not to mention the stomach pains, all you wanted was Sebastian to come back.

Word count, 1351
Sorry for not posting, hope you like it 😅

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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