Okay, I know that if you clicked on this, you actually read all of my other stories. Let's be real. You guys are my favorites. The others don't have to know.
I just have one request: that you comment as annoyingly much as you can/want. I don't know. I just like the entertainment of answering the comments. L. O. L.
No, I won't do A QOTD, Like KOTLCH. That is a little bit extr-
QOTD: Who is your favorite character in Kotlch? (I need to know who to use more often)
In this, my name will be... Keira. AND I will be Scottish!!!! *sly wink*
The basic thing of Keira Kallaway's show is that she asks questions to the contestant, and the contestant answers what I think they would say. Then, the contestant, In real life, goes and actually answers the questions in the comments. Everyone else should answer them, too! Let's see what she says!!
Keira: Hey guys it's me! The interviewer, Keira Kallaway! Today I will be interviewing Krista!!
Krista: Hey guys!
Keira: Oh wow! Our names match.
Krista: *chuckles* At the beginning, they do.
Keira: Okay everyone, Krista is an awesome writer and commenter. She has five awesome stories that you should definitely go read!
Krista: Awww! Thanks!
Keira: *turns to face the screen* Yes Krista, I knew you would say that.
Krista: Haha! You read my mind.
Keira: haha! I know. ON! To the Q and A!!
Krista: Yippeeeeeeeeeeee!
Keira: *yanks out sparkly yellow notecards and clears throat with such a ferocity that has never been seen on the known planet yet* WHAT is your favorite book that you have written?
Krista: Oooh! That's hard! Maybe... Chasing Destiny. Because it is my own work and my own characters. I am also excited about Divided because it is new.
Keira: Right there with you! Next Quechen: What is your spirit plant?
Krista: *grins* I didn't know that was a thing! Umm... I think I would be a water lily. I don't really know though, because I haven't thought of that before. What would you think?
Keira: I am going to have to agree with you on that one. Hmmm. *rubs chin* Do you know what QOTD stands for?
Krista: *turns to screen* C' mon Krista!! Answer this one!!
Keira: What is your favorite color?
Krista: Purple.
Keira: Noice! What is your favorite kind of art? ( Painting, writing, singing, playing the banjo, etc. )
Krista: Well... I have always wanted to be an author so I might have to say writing.
Keira: No wonder!
Krista: *Glances at the clock to see if the interview is over yet*
Keira: NEXT!! If you could un-invent something, what would you un-invent?
Krista: Maybe... a gun. They are mean. *makes puppy dog face*
Keira: Good one. How come you don't read about a Psychic going to the market?
Krista: ... Because there is not a book about...that
Keira: *points to the picture above*
Krista: *looks* *nods* Hmm.
Keira: How many pennies could fit into this computer?
Krista: *fliches in surprise* twenty-nine.
Keira: What are you freakishly bad at?
Krista: Ship scenes.
(her words, not mine)
Keira: That is it for today! Comment, to see who gets the next chapter!
My Random Bucket of Doom
RandomTHIS WAS INSPIRED BY @Stardipped_ink so FOLLOW HER PLEASE!! Read this if you want some minor entertainment and some good thoughts. Please follow me and you can have a chapter! Remember to COMMENT YOUR HEART OUT, so I know what you're like!!! ENJOYY...