Chapter 8: The accident (Edited)

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Autumn: Hey little leafs! That's what I'm going to call you guys now. Thanks for waiting and have fun reading this. Y'all will hate me for this but I will do another chapter later since y'all are so patient with me.
Natsu's POV

I dropped Lucy off at her Uncle Gildarts house and just sat there in the car kind of in shock. Lucy has just spoken in full sentences yelling for one. I quickly decide to call up Gray and ask what to do. Their probably all still at the hospital asking questions.
~calling gray~
N: Hey man I got a problem.
G: Ya so?
N: put me on speaker if your still at the hospital with everyone
G: k. Guys listen up please
N: Natsu I got a problem everyone. Lucy is super mad. She's at her Uncles extremely mad because she just found out who we are and that her uncles my manager. She also found out her cousin and twin knew about me. She so mad that she's talking in full sentences. And yes I mean talking talking.
E: Can you somehow listen in on her conversation with her family
N: Sure Erza
L: I hope Lu is alright
G: she'll be fine Levy
N: K guys be quiet I'm heading up there
Heard the whole conversation
N: Gajeel.... Levy.... Juvia. I didn't know.....
Hears sniffling in the other side
N: Guys she's coming out the door.

I back up and watch her come out the door and take off running. I hope she's ok. I watch her family come out the door, Luke is crying, Canas in shock and Gildarts looks worried. They're all calling after her so I decide to run after her. "Lucy come back" I yell. Suddenly I hear Erza's voice commanding to know what's going on. I quickly explain while running. I watch Lucy get near a crosswalk. She slows down to a walk and I continue to run towards her slowing down a bit. She seems to be deep in thought. What I didn't realize until to late was that she was walking on the crosswalk. I hear the horn of a car and look over. There is a red Volvo heading straight her way. She seems to snap out of her mind and looks at the car in shock. She seems frozen so I start immediately running while screaming her name. I dropped my phone but I could still hear my friends yelling in the phone wanting to know what's happening. I don't care, I need to save her. I ran faster than I've ever ran before. Before the car can hit her I throw my self in front of her drawing her into my arms shielding her as best I can and I close my eyes. I hear her screaming "NATSU!!!" Right as a red hot searing pain tore through my body rendering me unconscious. 

Lucy's POV

I see him. He's a blur and suddenly he's in front of me. Pink hair... "NATSU!!!" I scream. The car hits him bringing me along with it. Everything's a blur after that the car screech's and crashes landing on my leg. Natsu's beside me not moving. I'm screaming for help. Suddenly I see flashing lights and I start to black out. Everything's going dark. No I have to save Natsu. NO! Everything's gone dark again, it's just black. 

Erza's POV

We received the call from Natsu about what's happening. We finally learned something about Lucy and her twin. They're not the perfect pair that they seem to be. Levy's crying into Gajeel and Gajeel looks like stone. Juvia is non responsive and Gray is trying to wake her frantically. Suddenly we hear "Lucy come back!" from Natsu. I quickly demand to know what going on and he quickly explains what's happening while evidently running. Jellal snakes his arm around my waist and whispers in my ear. "Don't worry they'll be fine. Jellal and I have had a rough past. We were enslaved as children and then we escaped only to have our Grandpa Rob as we called him sacrifice himself. We ran until Jellal tripped and accidentally pushed our best friend Simon into the road where he got hit by a car and died in front of our eyes. Did I mention, I lost one of my eyes in our escape so I have a fake eye and a fear of cars. We all waited worriedly in each other's arms. If we weren't so worried Mira would've be screaming because of her ships. Lisanna was in Bixlows arms, Gajeel was holding Levy, Jellal and me, Gray and Juvia and Laxus and Mira were on the bed side by side. We all quickly come to attention when we hear Natsu scream Lucy's name. He obviously dropped the phone because we got a bunch of static. We hear screech's and then Lucy screaming Natsu's name. We all hear the impact and Jellal and I know the sound all to well. I hear the sound a immediately collapsed in shock. We hear screaming and crying of Lucy and the crash of something. I hear her cry out in pain and then we hear sirens. The phone then gets cut off and we're all in shock. 

Levy's POV

I'm scared. I'm like super scared. Suddenly I get a call from Fiore emergency Medical Unit. I answer immediately and put it on speakerphone.

F: Hello, Ms. McGarden?
L: Yes speaking
F: we have some news. Two friends of your have gotten into a terrible accident. We are picking them up right now and driving them to the Fiore extreme emergency care. It's just outside Magnolia and it would be appreciated if you came since you were the first on the contacts list.

I quickly sink to my knees scared. Gajeel puts his arm around me and holds me close. I say in a shaky voice

L: Who's phone was this?
F: Lucy Ashley Heartfilia. Natsu Igneel Dragneel was also involved in this. By the looks of it he tried to save her. Please come down here immediately. They are in intensive care and may not be out for awhile.

I let out a strangled cry. But say that I'll be there as soon as possible. I hang up and immediately cry my heart out I hear Gajeel rocking my back and for and I also hear multiple cry's echoing throughout the room. I quickly stand up after crying and say in hysteria "we have to get to the hospital. Somebody call a 2 Uber's! 6 for one 4 for the other!" I hear Gajeel call and carry me to our Uber with Jellal, Erza Mira and Laxus. By the time we're at the hospital I snap out of it and rush into the hospital. I say the the receptionist "I'm here for Lucy Heartfilia. " "room 304 intensive care" I rush off while Gajeel is asking for Natsu and Erza is running behind me. I find 304 and open the door. There she is. "Oh Lucy" I hear Erza whisper. "Oh my lord" I say quietly.
What her injuries are

Autumn: Yes I will be writing another chapter later but for now enjoy thisNatsu: Why'd you have to do that to LuceAutumn: I didn't want to it's apart of the storyNatsu: couldn't you just have made me hurt instead of her and just made me have all t...

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Autumn: Yes I will be writing another chapter later but for now enjoy this
Natsu: Why'd you have to do that to Luce
Autumn: I didn't want to it's apart of the story
Natsu: couldn't you just have made me hurt instead of her and just made me have all the pain I don't want her suffering
Autumn: I Spy with my little eye LOVE!
Natsu: •////•
Lucy: ^////^
Autumn: I don't not own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does. I only own the story line and any OCs that I make!
~Autumn out

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