The Bath

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The sky was turning its light shades of orange and peach as the sun was slowly setting, and Marvin lifted his head from his book. He stretched, letting out a groan as his sore back was cracking from staying in the same position for so long. The Magician closed the heavy volume, scattering more dust on his already dusty desk. He felt fairly dirty himself and decided that a warm, bubbly bath was well deserved. He stood up and put the grimoire away, exiting the room to head to the bathroom.

He started the water into the large clawfoot bathtub, yawning, and blindly dropped some of the light scented products and gels, the water turning a light pink and big bubbles forming on its surface. Steam started to fill the room and Marvin started undressing. He put his long silver-green hair up in a loose bun, a few baby hair falling on the sides of his face and his neck. Maybe he'd wash it later, but for now, he just wanted to relax.

Marvin stepped inside the bathtub, hissing at the hot water, but lowered himself nonetheless. He stretched, eyes closed, and let out a long contented sigh. He let his hands play lightly with the water, feeling his tense muscles already starting to relax.

Marvin's mind was slowly drifting away when a sharp voice suddenly pulled him out of his reverie.

"Hey Vivi!"

The magician jumped, screeching, clutching his arms against his chest and looking at Anti with wide eyes. He had forgotten to put a spell on the room to prevent the Glitch to poof in during Marvin's alone time.

"Get the fuck out of here, Anti." Marvin said, throwing a bar of soap at the Demon. Anti just chuckled, ignoring both the flying object that barely missed his face and Marvin's demand.

"Can I get in with you?" he asked, crouching next to the tub, his arms on the edge and his chin resting on his hands.


"Aww come on Vivi." Anti fake-pouted, his face getting closer to Marvin's.

"No, I came here to relax, and you're anything but relaxing."

"Mmmh. What if I give you a massage?"

Marvin raised an eyebrow, his eyes glancing down at Anti's hands then back up at his face. He considered the question for a few seconds, thinking of all the horrible things those hands had done in the past. But also how sore his back felt right now. He'd have his body under Anti's fingers numerous times before anyway.

"Fine." The magician finally said. "But just a massage."

"Yeah yeah right." Anti quickly said, his clothes a pile next to the tub in a matter of milliseconds. In an instant he was sitting behind Marvin, making the tub overflow.

Marvin sighed, and leaned back lightly, enough to still allow Anti's hands on his back. When he fell strong fingers press into his skin he closed his eyes, groaning a little. Anti was already smirking.

The glitch's hands pressed into Marvin's flesh, and he felt a long shiver run along his spine. Marvin's body almost instantly melt under his touch. Anti knew every other ego's body almost like his own –which was logical since they didn't differ much– And he knew exactly what to do to make Marvin's body arch like a cat's and pull the sweetest sounds out of him.

Anti's thumbs worked up and down Marvin's spine, watching the skin roll under his fingers. Each time his hands were going higher and lower, and already Marvin was moaning and arching his back. He didn't want to admit it but Anti's hands felt wonderful. The knots that had settled in his muscles during his day of work were dissolving one after the other under Anti's hands, and the tension was seeping away from his body and into the bubbly water. From time to time Marvin would roll his shoulders, attempting to guide the hands to a specific spot. Anti gladly complied, relishing the soft moans of delights coming from the Sorcerer, and his pale skin that the water was making glisten under the light of the bathroom, and made the magician's body even more ethereal.

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