Bellum: Magics and the Mortals

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         It was a cold, rainy night. The wind roared loud outside the tiny little cabin that was seated in the middle of the forest. It was this forest that was said to be haunted by ghosts, ghosts that were supposed to be so deadly, that they could kill you with just one little look. They did not even have to be near you. It was because of that superstition that the forest remained practically empty at all times.

         Except for twelve months ago, when a young couple began to build a small cabin in the middle of this haunted forest. The couple could not have been older than that of twenty years of life, but they seemed to have possessed the knowledge of the eldest of the known world. The couple spent two and a half months building a modest sized, two story home. It was quaint, but nicely done. It contained two bedrooms, one bathroom, a gathering room, kitchen, and one other room that took up the entire upstairs area; it was unknown as to what this room was meant to be.

         The girl, Accalia, was found to be with child shortly after the home was completed. Her mate, husband, and true love, Gaius, was overjoyed to be blessed with the opportunity of becoming a father. He prepared in every way he could think of. He gathered wood and made a crib for soon-to-be child, a rocking chair for Accalia, and a chair for himself to use with the new child. All he could think about was being a father, and loving the new child.

         But the trees began to talk, and when the trees began to talk, the flowers started to whisper. Once flowers begin to whisper, nothing stays hidden. It was all about the same thing: Accalia. All the plants tried to figure out who she was and why she was here in the forest. It was clear that she was not the outdoor type, like Gaius, yet she still came. And she seemed to always be watching for someone outside the window of the gathering room, which was where she sat if Gaius went outside. And she had this aura about her, it made her seem more entitled, wise and above all, powerful than anyone they had ever seen before.

         It unsettled Accalia. But she did not speak with Gaius about her discomfort, and they went about their daily routine for the next eight months, awaiting for the child to arrive. But each day, Accalia would look out that window in the gathering room, and each day, she looked slightly more nervous than the day before. After a few weeks, the trees and flowers began to notice Accalia’s unsettlement and stopped their whispering, in hopes that she would go back to her old self. But she did not. She was always wearing that nervous look on her face. Until that cold, rainy night.

         She was staring out the window in the gathering room when she felt it. She was going into labor. She was having the child. An intense pain hit her stomach, and she did her best to not scream too loudly, but her scream was still of a high volume. She went out of the gathering room and opened the front door and screamed Gaius’s name, and he came running into the house. Accalia spent the next five hours giving birth to a daughter. She was gorgeous, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and rose-colored lips. Accalia kissed her forehead, and looked up to Gaius.

         “Regina?” Accalia asked, referring to what they should name their new little child.

         “Regina. I think it suits her quite well. Regina Ray. Our little ray of sunshine.” Gaius said, and kissed both of their foreheads. At that moment, the clouds opened, and fire rained down from them. Cannons were loaded and shot, and screams were heard by the new family.

         And thus the war between Magics and Mortals began.

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