A succesful misfortune

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“Good evening princess Amelia.”  One of the many maids said passing Amelia by. Amelia too lost in her thoughts kept on walking outside the kitchen door and towards the cook’s personal garden. In retrospect Amelia was a sincere proper lady but once an idea formed in her mind she could not observe her surroundings as well as she should.  “James is such a –“.  Amelia paused to think of what insult she could call him without giving insult “Such a man.” That was it Amelia had decided. James is a boy who insists upon behaving like a man. God gave him two heads and yet he chooses to use the one below the waist.  Nothing could brighten Amelia’s day nor cloud it due to her current state of mind. The morning brought fresh news of traders from deep in the south to visit the kingdom but then more unexpected news occurred. Her half-brother was engaged to Lady Lorraine and was to marry her within the month. Amelia would never admit to it but the common court gossip was usually of Lady Lorraine’s newest romance. Lorraine was often considered promiscuous and wanton but her status at court kept most at bay from commenting about it. If James was not the heir to the throne and crowned prince his judgment would be criticized but in reality no one dare say a word against the future king and his fiancés wandering eye.

 “Ah, girl how do you take the news I have presented to my father this morning?” James asked her from behind at the entrance to the path she had taken. “I take it with gracious happiness my prince and wish you the merriment only a new matrimonial ceremony can give.”

“Do you mean merriment in the aspect of receiving half of Kent from her father or bedding her on the wedding night?”  James asked.

“Neither my prince, I meant the merriment in obtaining a wife of with whom you share a mutual feeling of love.” Amelia said with blushing cheeks.

“Love? Love is for the weak. Love does not win wars nor does it rule a kingdom.  If there is love then there is no respect and without respect you cannot rule.”

“Do you not love our father, the king of the realm? If there was love before there would not be wars. Love creates strength within your heart and within your land, does it not?”  Amelia politely responded.

“I respect and admire my father, the king fore he has had tremendous success with the abolition of the foolish heretics and unification of the largest kingdom thus far. Love creates greed, envy, and jealousy the worst possible traits for a man who is esteemed as dominant and robust. “James agitatedly replied.

“Without love there is no hate but without evil there is no purity. There cannot be only respectable emotions without the unscrupulous emotions.”

“You substantiate my idea girl.”

“There was no argument hence made. The only idea in which I was asked and do substantiate is that your engagement with Lady Lorraine will satisfy you and bring the both of you much felicity. Your Benevolence is superb towards the ladies at court and I am most positive your treatment towards her will be no different my prince.” 

“Hush girl you talk too much.” The prince replied to Princess Amelia’s compliment of him and walked away leaving Amelia alone to view the paisley and tomatoes in front of her.  There was no respect given to women unless they were if higher rank than you, but as a princess a prince even younger than she was still of higher rank. In the fast approaching months Amelia would become one and twenty whereas her brother would be two years younger. “A prince respect a woman was unheard of but a king to respect women that was unthinkable. What would happen to I if the Prince were to become king, he does detest me in every which way from my ill-behaved etiquette and social embarrassments how will I ever endure his wrath when my father can no longer protect me?” Amelia questioned to herself. TO answer her enquiries there was nothing she could do unless he dies and she miraculously became Queen.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2012 ⏰

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