xxx - xxxi. talk alone // he can't

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                             it's Seungmin? Chan thought. Why though, why would Seungmin take his photos? He let out a weird, forced laugh. "He can't do that--"

"No. You're taking my pictures and posted them all on that Instagram account without my knowledge. I've seen you lots of times with your camera pointed at me."

Seungmin rubbed his nape. "Um, I was gonna talk to you about it...that's why I'm here. I haven't posted the rest of them yet, and I'd like to--"

"YET?!" Hyunjin dramatically exclaimed.

Seungmin jolted. He held on to his camera tightly, lowering his head. "Oh,'s for a school project...and--"

"Seungmin, I think you two should talk alone..." Chan said as the rest of them stepped back little by little.

Hyunjin whipped his head so fast towards Chan. "You know this guy, hyung?!" he asked, pointing his thumb at Seungmin, shocked. Everyone's looking at them awkwardly, and then gave each other a look. Hyunjin and Seungmin watched the seven of them, as they all quietly stepped out of the backstage and left the two of them there alone. Hyunjin set his eyes on him again with his brows furrowed. "I have screenshots of your Instagram accounts. My dad's lawyer found a private investigator and did a background check on you. Kim Seungmin. Born September 22, 2000 in Seoul, South Korea. 175 cm in height, weighs 56 kilograms, blood type A. Your parents work at SKZ Company at Gangnam. You have an older sister who's studying abroad. You lived in Los Angeles, California when you were younger, for three months. You're currently studying at Seoul Korea University, a Bachelor of Fine Arts major in Photography, and you live at #325, Chronosaurus avenue--"

"Did you just--hey, that's--you--!" Seungmin stuttered, his heart beating faster as Hyunjin almost summarized his whole life.

Hyunjin crossed his arms. "I guess what I did is okay, thinking that you took my photos and posted them for the whole internet world to see without my permission?"

Seungmin sighed. "It's for a school project."


"It's..." Seungmin scratched his head. "We were expected to take photos of something or someone that we think would fit to be an epitome of beauty...I-I just found you with your band endearing. I'm with a band too, DAY6. Um, yeah, you kinda caught my lens' eyes and...y'know, the way you play guitar, your voice, and also your homo." Seungmin explained. "I don't use your photos for advertisements or sell them or something that involves's just for a school project. Really." He kept his camera inside its bag and practically begged Hyunjin to understand what he's trying to tell him with his eyes, even if he knows that what he did was wrong because he didn't ask for his consent.

"I was supposed to ask for your permission, but after the first time I took your photos you didn't show up backstage. And I couldn't ask Chan hyung or Minho hyung or Changbin hyung because we're not close..." he continued. Hyunjin was watching him, and Seungmin couldn't tell Hyunjin's expression. "I really wanted to upload your photos because they looked beautiful."

"I will still sue you. Just wait, Kim Seungmin."

"What? Why? I'm not making money off of your photos. Why you gotta do that?" Seungmin asked, his hand that's gripping the strap of his bag is turning white. "I didn't use them for anything that might tamper on your reputation!"

"But can I sue him? I don't like what he's doing. And he's doing this without my permission, isn't it allowed?" Hyunjin asked the lawyer on the other line while he's observing his photos on that account. The account even has tons of followers.

"The only possible reasons for you to sue him, is if he used your photos for advertisement without your consent, if he's selling them, if he used your photos for identity fraud, if he used your photos to portray you in a misleading or unflattering way, or if he took those photos somewhere other than a public setting, for example, in your house. But if it's none other than these reasons, then no. You can't."

Yeah. He can't sue him. All the photos he took were taken inside the school, during their performances, and just outside their school, which is obviously a public place. With a sigh, he pinched his nosebridge and set his eyes on Seungmin who now looks like he's about to cry. "Okay. But...can you just...delete them?"

I WILL SUE YOU! (a seungjin au!)Where stories live. Discover now