Chapter 1 - spiderman stabbed

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Peter launches himself out of his window, letting himself free fall, feeling the air rush up at his face as his body fell through the sky.

He shot a web onto a near by building and used his momentum to swing across the city.
It was 5pm on a Friday and Peter was staying with Tony while May worked at the hospital. He loved spending time with Tony and Bruce in the lab, trying to be as helpful as possible.

'So Karen!' He chirped 'any crime for me to fight today?'
'Yes Peter, down two streets to your left we have a group of muggers' her monotone voice answered 'be careful Peter they seem to be armed with knives and baseball bats"
'Ok,thanks Karen'

Peter landed silently above the men, his super sense allowed him to tune into the conversation they were having
'We've discussed this!' The largest man grunted aggressively 'you two go in on the left well knock him out and go to the store room..'
Peter had heard enough, as they approached the back door of the near by electronics store
Peter flung a web at the mans hand in the door knob

'Not so fast guys, let's put your weapons down and walk away calmly, we don't need things to get out of hand'
The man whose hand was firmly stuck to the door grunts and glares at Peter with a look of malice on his hooded face
'I don't think so buddy'
'I warmed you' Peter said
flipping acrobatically and Landing behind two of the men he kicked them both in the shins as they tried to whip around, Peter took their distraction to his advantage and webbed them to the wall, the last man, the biggest had pried his glove off and was not wielding a machete.

'Woah woah buddy calm down no need for that'
The man only snarled and lunged at Peter who dodged backward, his spider sense warmed him but not fast enough as he felt the small knife of the man stuck to the wall pierce his side his eyes widened in shock as he gasped

'Aarngh' he grunted as he clutched the gushing wound
Using his unoccupied left hand he webbed the man with the machete and swung into the nearest roof breathing hard.

'Peter,' Karen's voice brought him back 'Peter you have been stabbed, without medical treatment you will go into shock and bleed out, shall I notify Mr Stark?'
'No!no I'll be okay I'll go back'
'Moving is not advised sir'
'I have to Karen I can't stay here...'
'Peter??' Said the AIs voice, but it was talking to no one, Peter had passed out in the growing crimson puddle around him


Incoming call from Peter Parker said FRIDAY interrupting Tony's blaring AC/DC music
'Yea yeah, accept it FRI'
Instead of the bubbly young voice that Tony expected to hear the monotone female of Karen broke the silence
'Mr Stark Peter has been stabbed preventing a robbery he is currently unconscious and requires emergency medical treatment'
Tony felt the blood drain from his face as his heart rate increased
'Send me coordinates Karen, FRIDAY alert Dr Banner and Strange'
Flying through the sky at tip speed only one thing was on his mind; Peter
Scanning the area that Karen instructed he sees the small figure still on the roof in a scarlet pool surround his right side.

Peter! He yelped worry courses through his veins like fire as he looked at the small body , stepping out of his suit he gently lifted the boys mask to be met with the pale but peaceful face of Peter, his face looked unharmed which he was greatful for.
Picking Peter up gently the boy let out a quiet cry, his eyes open a fraction looking at Tony with alarm
'You're alright Pete, stay with me buddy'

Part 2?

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