Chapter 2 - spider man stabbed

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Sorry it's been so longgggg-

'Yeah yeah it's me bud, don't worry you're gonna be ok'
Tony looked into the pale of face of Peter his forehead now covered in sweat his hands grasping for Tony's shirt, Tony felt the tears growning hot in his eyes, his kid was hurt.

'It it hurts Tony' said Pete whimpering suddenly he was almost trying to turn on his side
'I know bud it's ok I'm gonna take you back to the tower now'
But Peter didn't answer his grip slackened on Tony's now bloody shirt
'Shit shit Pete!?' Are you with me? FRIDAY? What's wrong is he ok?'
' he seems to have only lost consciousness, if he doesn't relieve medical treatment he will die, Banner and Strange are ready for you'

This calmed the flustered Stark he had to focus for his kid, he can't let emotion get in his way now,
Scooping the limp body of Peter up in his iron man suit he flew swiftly to the tower....

Banners POV
'Shit Pete's been stabbed'
Banner began ordering the nurses and doctors around when Stark came flying in carrying a ghost white and limp Peter in his metal arms, Tony's face appeared as the helmet openers showing his frantic eyes and pale face.

Bruce swung into action taking Peter from Tony's arms and into the operating room with Strange and the other doctors,


'Don't worry Tony, Peter is now in a stable condition and should be waking up soon, unfortunately his metabolism is biting through most of what we give him so he'll be in a bit of pain when he walks up,'

'Ok' said Tony biting his nails, he looked sleep deprived and was slightly on the nose, he had been awake for the whole two days Peter had been sleeping.

'Get some rest Tony, he shouldn't be awake for a while now'

'Nah it's fine Bruce thanks so much' he said bustling back to his spot in Peters hospital room.

Peters POV

Moaning Peter opened his eyes, they immediately land on the form of Tony sleeping uncomfortably next to his bed.

Waking from Peters stirring Tony looks up
'Hey buddy, how're you feeling?'
'Hey Mr Stark' Peter voice was scratchy and raw from his long sleep
Tony held a cup of water to Peters cracked lips and he buzzed for Bruce to come in
'So how're you feeling now?'
'F-fine Thankyou Mr Stark, how are you?'
Tonys eyes creased at this, Peter, Peter who was stabbed, bleeding out on a roof at the age of 15 is asking the man sitting next to him if he's ok!?

' yeah I'm ok kid, you had me worried sick though'
'Sorry' he said yawning, then he grunted, his hand immediately holding his side
'You good Pete?!' Said Tony standing up quickly
'No mo I'm fine Mr Stark really it's all good, I think k I might rest my eyes a bit though' said Peter his words growing slurred as his eyes dropped very suddenly
'Ok kid catch some z's'

Tony watched as Peters big doe eyes gently closed his curly mess of hair flopping all over the place as he unconsciously reached for Tony's calloused but comforting hand, grasping it slightly he sighed, this kid was going to be the death of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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