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" you look a lot like my next boyfriend "

A samoyed dog run straight to him as if the dog have found it's owner.

"young boy,are you sure you're gonna be fine taking care of a dog alone?"the pet keeper asked.

"I mean,yeah.I need some accompany anyway"the short boy replied.

"right?"he asked the dog while patting the dog's head.

"this one seems to like you"the person chuckled having her arms on his waist seeing the view.

"I guess too.I'll take this one then"the boy made up his mind.

As the keeper prepared the stuff for the dog's adoption,the boy walked to the counter to sign up some paper.

"name?" the cashier asked softly.

"put there huang renjun"the boy smiles.

As the paper signed,renjun walked out of the pet store mouthing thank you to the person for helping him with the adoption.

He walked on the street with the samoyed dog he adopted.

"hm,what should I name you?"he mumbled to himself.

People pick cute names for their dogs but renjun just don't know how.This is his first time getting a pet to take care of.Finding it would be better this way so that he would have some accompany when he's alone.

As he walked along the street,his phone rings.

"eh?nana?"he questioned before he answers the call.


making sure the phone is far enough from his ear because he don't want his eardrums to break,he then answer.

"yes, speaking.."

"Jeno asked me out!"

"that crush of yours?and?"

"It's Lee Jeno we're talking about"

"I realized that jaemin.what do you want from me then?"

Renjun is more than sure jaemin must have something on his mind to be calling him right now.

"Come with me to the date"

"why would I?!?"

now,this doesn't make sense.why would jaemin asked renjun to come with him?

"I'm too embarrassed to go alone.pleaseeee.accompany me" Jaemin asked softly.

Renjun take a deep breath before thinking about it for a minute.He's jaemin best friend for a reason.If he is gonna let jaemin face this alone then he would blame himself if jaemin come home hurt or anything.

sighing,he continue speaking,"fine but I will sit a little far from you guys"renjun made up his mind.

"Thank you injoon!"

And he hang up.


Renjun is done bathing and planning to get to know the dog.

"goodness,I haven't pick a name for you yet"

"what am I gonna call you"he mumbled to himself.

Names?sweet things? chocolate?nah that's too common.cupcake?that sounds like a name a dad would call his daughter.

The way the dog keeps tucking his red tongue out reminded him of a jam.A strawberry jam.

But strawberry would be a bad name,it's too long.Should he just name the dog jam then?

"heyyy jam"he tried calling the dog.

Surprisingly,the dog looked at him.

"I guess,your name is jam from now on"the short male smiled at the dog.

Jam?now that he repeated the name ,it doesn't sounds that bad.

Apparently,it has been three months after renjun's and jaemin's graduation.Its not like renjun have nothing to do now.He does work part time but another half of time,he wanted an accompany for himself.

Sure jaemin is his best friend and often crash at his place since he's living in an apartment now,alone.But jaemin would always talk about jeno with him.

Jeno is not even renjun's crush but he knows about jeno more than anyone out there except jaemin.

Just then,jam knocked him out of his day dreaming by climbing up on his lap.

"hahaha yes jam?did I ignore you?"he giggles as jam licked his face.

*ding dong*

Like an alarm warning renjun someone is coming in,the person didn't even wait for renjun to open the door.

It's because the person is na jaemin.He know the passcode to renjun's apartment.

"Renjunnnnnnn"jaemin shouted literally the whole apartment can hear him.

"heyy stop shouting, you're gonna scared jam"renjun complained,patting jam's head.

"what jam?ohh this dog's name is jam?you adopt this dog?"

Renjun nodded.

"why?you have me"jaemin questioned.

"because we are legal to adopt a cute dog now"renjun smiled sarcastically.

Finding it uncomfortable,jaemin decided not to ask anymore questions.

"anywayyy, you're coming with me right?"

Renjun already guessed what jaemin was talking about.

The date.

"I guess"the short male replied.

"promise me"jaemin raised his finger in front of renjun's face.

He don't even know what he got himself into.


A new book!yeayyy !I've been wanting to release this one so much.

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Thank you and I love u guyssss 💜


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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