The Eighth Month

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You had a hand on your stomach. The babies were kicking. You giggled and smiled. You couldn't wait to see your babies. 

You were walking to the mall when you were stopped. 

"Oh it's you" you said, a bit of anger in your voice.

It was Samantha, she was looking at you. 

"I'm sorry" she said. "I guess I was jealous of you" 

You stood there, shocked. She always hated you. Why was she being nice to you now? She continued to say sorry and a lot of other bullshit, that you didn't believe.

You had a hand over your stomach, a bored expression on your face. She was gonna stab you in the back and you knew it.

Samantha had insisted on doing everything for you, because

"You wouldn't want to hurt you and your babies"

You damn well knew that this was bullshit.

Samantha had dropped everything off at your house, EJ was once again on the damn couch, eating kidneys. You felt a bit of pain, you weren't in labor, one of the little bastards kicked to hard.

You sat on the couch next to EJ.

"Look, feel this" you said, taking his hand and putting it on your stomach.

"Holy shit" he said "that's a hard kick"

He then proceed to put an ear to your stomach, he heard their little heart beats.

He just wanted them to come now

Protecting You (Eyeless Jack x Pregnant!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now