1- Call Of The Devil

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Started Typing On – 27/04/2019 - Started Typing Again On – 15/05/2019
Published on - 07/07/2019

Chapter 1- Call Of The Devil


Author's Pov:

He jumps of the soft mattress and glances around to spot his shirt somewhere on the floor. His light brown, with a tiny shade of dark coco beans coloured hair were messed up as he rubs his eyes to adjust them to the sun shining through their light fabric blueish and purplish curtains in their bedroom. His eyes drop at the mirror in front of him, watching his glowing face through the reflection he smiles ear to ear at the sleeping form of his wife.

Ellie slept like a baby curled up in a ball. Her naked body was covered with the golden duvet cover with a hand flinging over the duvet. He grins at himself as he tries to put her cold arm under the duvet. At this time of the year, in early mornings in Auckland could be chilly. At times he just wanted to cuddle up to her all day and relax. No work. No phone calls. No tension.

He's known her since their university days but till now he doesn't understand why she keeps one arm outside the duvet even when she's cold. Temperature issues? Probably. He just knows one thing, he loves that habit of hers since he gets to touch her smooth skin in process. Talking about taking advantage.

He runs his fingers on her also brown silky hair, untangling her hair, and fears for the future. Am I doing wrong? The questions keep popping up and he can't help but think over it. Could his future—his dreams fade away in an instant? Could life really hate him so much for where he was standing currently? Could the possibilities of having a family with his wife seem impossible?

"El." He put his hand on her shoulder lightly not wanting to irritate her, he remembers and makes sure not to shake her because she hates that. His wife says it's the worst way to wake someone up, especially if they're dreaming about something exotic. The major reason is she gets scared but she never admitted it to him. "El," his hoarse morning voice not only touches her sleepy body but also her ear, he dips down extra close, letting his breath send chills down her spine. She reacts, smiling in her sleep and dips her head deeper into the pillow as he kisses it softy.

"Get up, I'm making breakfast soon." With a heavy sigh covering his face he accepted the fact that she wouldn't get up soon enough. Muttering a small 'hurry up,' he jumped off the bed and collected his clothes from the floor and retired to the bathroom, making sure to close the door without making any loud noise from waking her up.

"Josh answer it." She groans yawning and letting the duvet hide her face from the constant ring of her phone. Her phone had other plans, whoever called had hung up and she smiled in her sleep but the smile couldn't have last any longer. It rang again but this time the caller didn't hang up, growling extra loud she turned around to reach out for the phone with her sleep eyes when she saw Josh taking the phone in his hand.

"I'll answer it." The white towel was wrapped around his neck and his wet hair was dripping from the shower he'd just had. The water slid down his neck and onto his built naked chest when she closed her eyes laying her head on the pillow. Sleepy head. Apart from him, she loved sleep.

Josh walks out the room closing the door behind and into the kitchen to turn on the stove up for some hot coffee. He did that every weekend, it was an unspoken agreement between the two. Weekends were his days to make breakfast and boss her around to head over to the park for a run. 'Move those muscles, Ellie. You gotta stay fit.' If it wasn't for him she'd never even try doing some push-ups.

"Hello." Josh answered the phone without glancing once at the caller ID, his full focus was on opening up the cabinet, his fingers roam around on the surface inside the cabinet, trying to touch the coffee jar.

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