Chapter two

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I woke up a quarter after one with my clothed dried from the rain absorbed by my air filtered matress. I stripped the  obre coating and my ripped jeans energylessly as I can to cope up both to dreamworld and the heat escaping the earth after the rain. Clutching around and rolling under comforters my feet scoped on something both warm and furry, Darwin is sleeping underneath me the whole time. 1:27 the clock reads as I realize that I can no longer go back to sleep as I think about the yesterday. Wether meeting her at the locker as awkwardly as it is was a dream or not.

I’m stuck there thinking about her black hair glowing red when hitted by light or how deep the brown in her eyes gazing through the stars filled with dreams and hopes and loves and forever. And then It hit me, the word hit me, the word forever hit me and the way she ask if i do believe in forever.

I froze deep in my toughts and ask myself her question over and over again,

do you believe in forever? Do I believe in forever? What is forever exactly.

The last thing I saw was the clock reading 3:38 as I doze back to sleep under layers of comforters and white hair from Darwin’s fluff.


Later, I woke up at 5:00 just in time to watch some weather forecast that had always helped me on what to wear on normal days: shorts and t-shirt for hot days and shorts and t-shirt and either a jacket or a sweater for colder ones. I seldom wear high fashion clothes in our state university because a) there’s no dress code, b) no one really care about what you wear or what you look, c) i’m hear to study science not fashion.

5:36, I finished my last minute review on restriction fragment lenght polymorphism and how it identifies the dominant to recessive like which blood type is which from AB to O to B to A and their under classes such as AA and AO.

At 6:01 I grabbed my bag after putting some clothes as a loud horn screeches twice ending with one long blow signaling that Tim and hit motorcycle is already here. Counting one.. two.. three.. Tim will say ‘hurry up sleepy head you’ll be late for school’ and so he did.

My steps paced as I walked  twice the speed to pat Darwin goodbye, to check all switch when all of a sudden a vibration from my pocket came.

“Hye mister Andreu L. Jaspers, I hope you’re already up for you food chemistry exam. I enjoyed hanging out with you last night, maybe some other time soon. I would still love to prove your “I don’t believe in forever”. HAHA”

At first I thought it was someone messing me up until i recognized the quoted phrase, It was her.

“I’m still sleeping and dreaming of how I would not believe HAHA and it is hey not hye HAHA”

“very funny. K! See you on Tuesday”

“Hurry up! I’m gonna be late for agronomy and the oldman’s gonna tease me again for” Tim yelled while knocking at my window “being late”

“L for Lyrian, Ok Tuesday :)” I replied and rushed outside to the grumpy dude knocking at the window.

“what took you so long” Tim greeted me “ you’ve kept me and my scarlet waiting for-“ He looks in his black leather watch matching the tint of his shades “like 5 minutes or so.”

He jumped on scarlet his scarlet colored, always waxed and polished,big-toy-for-big-boy-like-him motorcycle and tossed me a helmet. I squeezed my head through the polymer dome of safety which could actually kill you by breaking you neck or by soffacation in time of an accident and Tim gripped the accelerator hard to keep track of lost time.

I grabbed my bluebooks from a store near the side gate of the campus where Tim dropped me off. Bluebooks are small 10 paged phamplets with blue covering made from the same sheet used for newspaper, the front asks you about your college, name & signiture, subject, date, exam and facilitator. Of which the name and subject is the only important thing because the facilitator will ask you to write you code or section etcetera on bold letters in the upper right hand corner of the front page near the eagel-mistaken-parrot logo of the campus.

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